Thursday, August 3, 2017

Heirloom Audio Productions: In the Reign of Terror ~ a TOS review

Montana loves audio books! So much so that when I told her we were on the review list for the new audio drama, In the Reign of Terror from Heirloom Audio Productions she literally stalked the mailman until the glorious day that it arrived. I tell you it was like Christmas in July, and it just happened to be July when it arrived! As soon as she got the package in the house she went straight to her room to listen to the CD.

Over the last two years, I have come to appreciate audio books more and more. I spend a good amount of time driving the girls here and there and during gymnastics and softball seasons and it feels like we are always on the go. Now that we have another gymnast and another ball player in the house I anticipate an even busier winter/spring sports season of driving here and there. Now that I have been hooked on audio books and audio theater it has opened up a whole new world of listening for me and the family the driving all around is not so bad. And bonus is that we don’t get stuck listening to the same popular kids Radio station.

Heirloom Audio Productions is passionate about bringing history to life in exciting and engaging audio dramas. G.A. Henty’s adventure books became popular during the 19th century and his books became well known for emphasizing traits of courage, high moral character, diligence, and perseverance. With their newest released title, In the Reign of Terror, they have set the bar even higher and it does not disappoint!

In The Reign of Terror takes place just after the US war for Independence and before Napoleon and the French Revolution. The story gives us a firsthand look at life through the eyes of, Harry, a British boy who travels to visit France during the French Revolution. An aristocratic family takes him in, and in return Harry must rise to the occasion and rescue the family from the guillotine for no crime they have committed other than having noble lineage. The events of the revolution stretch and challenge Harry’s faith as he struggles with daily survival. Twenty-two chapters will leave you breathless and wanting more as you follow Harry’s journey from man’s crushing darkness of human pride to God’s redeeming light of hope and courage!

Heirloom Audio has a passion for bringing history to life through high-quality audio dramas that are exciting and wholesome entertainment for the whole family. The masterful story-telling of G.A. Henty is full of virtue and daring, and this adaptation provides an “active listening” adventure experience with award-winning cast and composer, and realistic sound effects.
Heirloom Audio Productions
Our package from Heirloom Audio included the 2CD set with access to an account that included a bunch of downloads in PDF and MP3 format. This is the same options you would have if you were to purchase the Family Four-Pack.

 ~ Official Soundtrack ~ eBook of G.A. Henty’s original book with full color graphics
 ~ MP3s of the production
 ~ Promotional poster that shows the cast and cover of the CD case
 ~ Inspirational poster with 1 Chronicles 17:20
 ~ Complete study guide and discussion starter set
 ~ Live the Adventure E-Newsletter
 ~ Behind the scenes documentary

The Study guide is a full color eBook with learning guides to help tie in the story as a whole. It includes sections for comprehension, vocabulary, and Biblical references to scripture as well. There are several purchasing options. You can order directly from Heirloom Audio Productions including:
 • $19.97 for an audio MP3 download that gives you instant access.
 • $29.97 plus $6.95 shipping gets you the two CD set plus the two bonuses above and the MP3 soundtrack download
 • $99.97 plus $9.95 shipping gets you the Family Four Pack this gets you 4 CD sets, all of the bonuses mentioned above, plus 5 additional bonuses:
Unlimited access to the Live the Adventure Letter, In the Reign of Terror eBook, printable poster with the star-studded cast, behind the scenes documentary.

All of the prices listed above come with a 90 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied but you’re not going to need it! You will be hooked from the opening chapter.

Heirloom Audio Productions
Heirloom Adventure has just launched their brand new bonus content, the  Live the Adventure Club where you can access all the wonderful bonus content for In the Reign of Terror:

• Stream In the Reign of TERROR 
• In The Reign Of Terror Original E-Book 
• Official Soundtrack 
• Printable Cast Poster 
• Study Guide & Discussion Starter
• Inspirational Verse Poster 
• Desktop Wallpaper Download 
• Official Script Download 

 Be sure to see what my CrewMates thought of this audio drama by clicking the banner below.

In the Reign of Terror {Heirloom Audio Productions Reviews}

Heirloom Audio Productions
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