Vicki Bentley is the mother of eight daughters, foster mom to over fifty, and grandma to nineteen wonderful grandbabies (and great-grandma to one!). Everyday Homemaking is her website that she created to sell her homemaking products and is filled with practical ideas, tips, products, and resources to help families. Not only that, she also offers parents from all walks of life practical ideas and tools to help manage our time and households. Vicki believes in getting the kids involved and having them help.
Vicki knows just how busy a schedule can get and has great ideas to help combat the busy lifestyle and still get dinner on the table. This cookbook focuses on whole food without all the processed junk. With sample menus, low carb staples, pressure cooking basics, and shopping tips this book is choke full ideas.

The cookbook is available as a physical book with a glossy cover and coil bound pages or as a digital PDF eBook. We received the latter. Each book is exactly the same at 198 pages, except the print book features black and white photos while the digital includes color photos. Two cover designs are available in red or blue, but the content is the same inside.
The Table of Contents include:
• Preface
• Introduction
• Time Saving Tips
• Breakfast Ideas
• Appetizers and Dressings
• Bread and Grains
• Main Dishes & Soups & Sides
• Desserts and Snacks
• Homemade Vanilla Extract
• Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Pantry Helpers
• Basic Measurements and Helps
• Meal Planning and Shopping Hints
• Sample Menus & Menu Planning Masters
• Basic Cooking Skills Checklist
• Basic Kitchen Accessories
• Kitchen Equipment
• The Tortoise and the Hare
• Pressure Cooker Tips and Favorites
• Index of Recipes
• Index of Practical Tips
What a great little cookbook this is to have! It is jam packed with quick and easy recipes that will make you feel like your Julia Child’s, just without having to spend all day in the kitchen. We made several recipes using this cookbook. The recipes are simple enough that I could have my children flip through and pick what they wanted to make.
With recipe categories like appetizers & dressings, main dishes, soups & sides, grains & breads, and desserts and snacks there is plenty to cook up and try. I love that this is perfect for using in a homeschool home economics class. Not only is there a checklist of when each recipe is made but time saving tips that are helpful to new cooks and seasoned ones as well. Also included is a helpful menu plan to give you a start if you struggle in that area.
The Everyday Homemaking website is chock full of great encouragement tips and tidbits for homemaking and homeschoolers, so be sure to check it out. There are several other books available for purchase on there and you can even find a copy of Vicki’s bread recipe. I highly recommend this cookbook! We have enjoyed preparing these recipes and I think this cookbook would be a great gift for a new wife, a young teen, or a homeschooling mom.
Right now you can get 10% off The Everyday Family Chore System and/or Everyday Cooking (print or e-book) through Labor Day! Use the code TOS10books -- apply it to as many books in your cart as you'd like. Just be sure to shop first and apply the coupon code last to get the best deal. Don’t delay though, the coupon code expires Sept 5th.
Be sure to click on the banner below and read the other reviews for Everyday Homemaking from my CrewMates.

Company ~ Everyday Homemaking
Product ~ Everyday Cooking
Format ~ PDF eBook
Price ~ $15.99

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