It’s hard to believe that my little guy Micah is ready for preschool! I mean, after all, he was just a tiny little squishy baby, right? Sigh, fast forward 3 years and I have an eager to learn little boy which is a blessing in and of itself!

The Crafty Classroom is the brainchild of Valerie McClintick who produces top quality educational resources for math, reading, science, alphabet, Bible, writing, and more! All of her products are priced affordably so you are not going to break the bank getting quality curriculum material. We have been using the Bible ABC Curriculum Notebook and it has been a fun, gentle approach to teaching Micah his letters.

Using the curriculum is really simple and low teacher prep which is good for busy moms like myself. Each week you will print the pages needed for the letter and corresponding Bible verse. You also don’t need a lot of supplies for this curriculum, just the basics like a pencil, crayons or markers, and a Bible. For 26 weeks, you will find enough material for 4 days of work with about 4 to 5 worksheets. My younger children enjoy worksheets. I appreciate the fact that lesson plans and a suggested schedule is included for each letter.
Inside the curriculum you will find many activities like:
~ Bible activities
~ charts
~ math explorations
~ alphabet letter pages
~ games
~ coloring pages
~ copy work and more
Using this program with Micah has been great! We have taken it really slow because he is not quite ready for all that it contains. My focus during this review period was on recognizing the five letters in his name and vocabulary building with associated letter pictures. Anything that required writing he just was not ready for. Personally, I think this curriculum is geared more towards PreK4 to K5 learners but we made the best of it for our family.
For the remainder of the curriculum and year I plan to dabble here and there and come back to it full force next year when Micah is 4. I think then he will be ready for the full curriculum and everything it entails.
Overall, I give this curriculum 2 thumbs up! It is really great; my guy just is not quite ready for it. We have used several other products produced by The Crafty Classroom including the U.S.A Activity Pack and The Ten Commandments BM4K.
Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this Bible Alphabet curriculum and the other products being reviewed, including:
For Preschool:
Alphabet Curriculum Notebook (26-week Curriculum)
For Kindergarten:
Learn to R.E.A.D. Curriculum Notebook (36-week Curriculum)
R.E.A.D. Review Pack (28 Early Readers that Correspond with R.E.A.D. Notebook)
For Older Kids:

Company ~ The Crafty Classroom
Product ~ Bible ABC Curriculum Notebook
Format ~ PDF Download
Price ~ $15.00
Ages ~ Preschool – K4

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