Trust Fund is a modern day Prodigal Son, well, Daughter story which you may recognize the theme from Luke 15 and was produced by a homeschooler from the 80’s named Isaac Alongi. In 2014 along with his wife, Sandra Martin, who wrote the story, they shot the film. Initially they had trouble getting the film released in the home entertainment market but now it is flourishing and I am excited to get the word out about this great film.
The movie focuses on the main character, Reese Donahue, played by Jessica Rothe, who is portrayed as the typical spoiled little rich girl with access to the finer things in life; a fancy apartment, beautiful clothes, and traveling to distant lands.. She is an aspiring writer living off her allowance from her father, a successful publisher played by Kevin Kilner, and book advance funds from her first book. When her father thinks she needs to take more responsibility as the young adult that she is, he suggests she get a job at the publishing company.
Quickly Reese becomes overwhelmed with her new career and starts to look for a way out. One day while rummaging through her dad’s office she discovers a secret her father has been keeping from her and her older, more responsible sister, Audrey (Louise Dylan). Upon their mother’s death, she left $10 million dollars for them in a trust fund. Instead of talking fully with her father she takes matters into her own hands and wire transfers half of the money to her own account and quickly takes off to Italy with her boyfriend, Milo (Sean Wing).
As you can imagine things don’t go as fairy tale like as Reese imagined and she eventually does come home to Daddy. But what consequences will she face? Is there room for forgiveness from her father, her sister? I don’t want to give away the movie so I am going to leave it right there and tell you to watch it for yourselves, you won’t be disappointed.
We also received the companion book Love Was Near that was written by Sandra Martin. Remember she wrote the movie too. The book is meant to be read after watching the movie and It offers a deeper look into the movie and exposes Reese’s thinking. It is written in a journal/diary type format. My daughter Madison enjoyed reading it.
I watched this movie with my three older girls who are 20, 16, and 14. The movie is Dove Family Approved for ages 12+ and families with younger children can watch it together. While the story line may seem to be predictable, there is plenty of drama and suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat. It is rated PG for mild thematic elements and brief scenes of smoking, but other than that it is a clean movie. My soon to be 11-year-old wants to watch it, and I am comfortable enough with it the theme so we will have a girl’s night and I’ll watch it again with her and use the free study guide that offers scripture and discussion questions.
As a family we give this movie two thumbs up. Check out the trailer and then get your hands on a copy! To see what my CrewMates thought of this movie and the book, click on the banner below.

Company ~ Mapelle Films
Product ~ Trust Fund & Love Was Near
Format ~ DVD movie, paperback book
Price ~ $12.99 book
Ages ~ 12 +

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