MarshMedia offers a wide variety of educational videos that cover topics such as hygiene, health and safety, immune system disorders, nutrition, bullies, head lice, and puberty education. If I have stopped you right in your tracks with the puberty education, its not what you think! The focus is not on sexual education but rather a wide scope of puberty in general and how the body begins to change.

Many of the puberty videos are separated by boys and girls and are meant to be watched separately. The videos use the real medical terms to talk about the changes that begin to happen to the body and not slang words or silly made up names. Their puberty educational videos are what the company is known for and they handle it in a tactful way in my opinion. All of the videos range about 15 minutes and leave room for discussion at the end if you so choose to do so with your children.

My younger girls and I took advantage of watching the video about Taking care of your skin, hair, and nails. We learned all about the skin and how germs can be spread. Montana, is especially sensitive to mosquitos so the parts on insect bites and poison ivy were insightful and helpful. This video is geared towards kids K-3 but Montana was able to get something out of it since she is a rising 5th grader.

Right now you, as a homeschooler, are in luck to take full advantage of their Homeschool Special. In short you can receive access to all 59 videos MarshMedia has for just $50. And the best part is that you can watch the videos as many times as you would like without restriction! The Homeschool Special gives you access to the videos until the end of December 2017 so it’s a really good deal to take advantage of. If you wish to take advantage of the opportunity to introduce the MarshMedia curriculum to your home schooler(s) click on the link below for more information: https://marshmedia.com/pages/homeschool-offer "
Be sure to check out what my CrewMates think of these educational videos by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ MarshMedia
Product ~ Homeschool Special
Format ~ online streaming videos
Price ~ $50.00 subscription until Dec 2017
Ages ~ elementary and up

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