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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Adventures of Rush Revere Book series ~ a TOS review

Are you looking for a fantastic book series for your kids to read? Today I am so pleased to tell you how we have been enjoying the Adventures of Rush Revere Book Series from Adventures of Rush Revere #1 New York Times Bestselling Book Series by Rush and Kathryn Adams Limbaugh.

Adventures of Rush Revere

Written by radio host Rush Limbaugh and his wife Kathryn Adams Limbaugh these books will sure to be a hit with any child who loves adventure stories. Together, Rush and Kathryn have written 5 books, Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, Rush Revere and First Patriots, Rush Revere and the American Revolution, Rush Revere and the Star-Spangled Banner, and Rush Revere and the Presidency to share their passion for American history like no other books have for young readers. It’s no surprise that this series has soared to the top of New York Times Bestselling book series because they truly bring American history to life.

We are not strangers to this series as we have been fans of the books since last year when we had the privilege of getting a copy from our state homeschool convention. My 10-year-old Montana was so excited when I told her we were getting this set of books! When they arrived at our doorstep I didn’t want to untie them from their pretty bow but Montana was ready to devour them.

Each of these hard-backed books make the perfect read-aloud book or as an independent reader for a child aged 9 and up. The pages are printed on high quality, medium weight paper and come with full color illustrations of historic landmarks and paintings along with some modern pictures. Let me tell you a little about each book.

You start your journey back in time to experience life aboard the Mayflower in Book 1, Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims. Mr. Revere, an American history teacher, and his trusty talking horse, Liberty, spend some time aboard the Mayflower with two of his young student’s, Tommy and Freedom, time-traveling and getting to know the pilgrims journeying to the New World. On the way, they meet William Bradford, Squanto, and English military offer for the colony, Myles Standish. While in Plymouth the trio experience history first hand and discover the Who, What, When, Where, and Why. They even get the chance to build a fort, sword fight, and witness the first Thanksgiving.

 "I know, today, that this land will prosper and become a great nation. And it will remain a great nation as long as we are one nation under God." - Rush Limbaugh, [William Bradford], in Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims

Experience the first rumblings of American Independence in Book 2, Rush Revere and the First Patriots. This book takes you on an adventure right before the start of the American Revolution where you will meet some truly exceptional Americans like Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams. A new student, Cam, joins Rush, Liberty, Tommy, and Freedom in this book. Along your journey you will travel to London and meet King George III to attempt to convince him to stop making life so hard for the colonist. Because he won’t listen to them the quartet rush back to Boston in time to join the Boston Tea Party and make sure that snobby Elizabeth, another student, does not change history forever.

"Never let uncertainty or fear stop you. If you work hard and think big you can accomplish anything, especially in a free land like America." - Rush Limbaugh, [Benjamin Franklin], in Rush Revere and the First Patriots 

 In Book 3, Rush Revere and the American Revolution, you are immersed right in the thick of the American revolution with Rush, Liberty and the rest of the crew from Manchester Middle School. Cam is the focus in this book, as his father is deployed overseas. While his father is away his mother sees a change in Cam’s behavior. Being able to meet some of the exceptional American’s of the time like George Washington, John Hancock, and Dr. Joseph Warren, Cam truly begins to understand the meaning of freedom.

"'Is that George Washington?' Cam asked. The man was tall, with broad shoulders and looked to be in his forties. He wore a white linen shirt with a cream vest..." - Rush Limbaugh, Rush Revere and the American Revolution 

The most exciting adventures take place in the fourth book, Rush Revere and the Star-Spangled Banner. Rush Revere is back with his horse Liberty and the students from Manchester Middle School. In this book, Tommy takes center stage because his grandfather is sick. By taking a field trip to Washington D.C., Rush hopes to distract and inspire him at the same time while visiting the National monuments like the Washington Monument and The White House. During their adventures the evade the Redcoats, see a patriotic symbol saved from the burning Capitol, and see the writing of the Star-Spangled Banner.

"Tommy jerked awake and we both stood and ran out the door to the ship’s railing where we last saw Francis Scott Key. We stared across the water at Fort McHenry. The sun had just started to peek over the horizon." - Rush Limbaugh, Rush Revere and the Star-Spangled Banner

Cam decides to run for student-body president in the fifth book, Rush Revere and the Presidency. This story focuses on the American elections as well as the leadership of the early presidents such as Adams and Jefferson. Initially Cam believes winning the election will be a piece of cake, but he soon discovers that winning an election takes work. Traveling back in time helps Cam and the rest of the crew realize that winning an election and being president isn’t all about the fame and glory, but rather serving the people.

"'Well done, young man. Being president is certainly not easy but it is an honor that the people have chosen you as their leader,' President Washington said, nodding at Cam." - Rush Limbaugh, Rush Revere and the Presidency 

Overall, we have loved these books! Montana has read them individually while I have read them aloud to McKenzie and Micah. Frequently, I have found Montana curled up in a chair or on the couch reading away. Her favorite character is Liberty, the horse, and she encourages you to get a copy of these books for your family to enjoy. I love that these are quality books that bring history to life. I wish I could have learned history by reading these stories while I was growing up. History doesn’t have to be boring and these books prove it!

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates think of these books by clicking the banner below.

Adventures of Rush Revere Book Series {Reviews}

Format ~ hardcover books 
 Price ~ retails for $19.99 
Ages ~ family read-aloud or independently for 9 and up.
Adventures of Rush Revere
Adventures of Rush Revere
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