I wear many hats in this family, from head chef to taxi driver. Sure, I had dreams as a young girl of being a pediatric trauma surgeon but God knew that was not my calling. It was made very clear to me as a teen that I was meant to be a Mommy to my future children and I have no regrets!
I’d Rather Be Your Mommy is a 32 page book that tells all the reasons that I’d rather be your mommy. With such a sweet, flowing story that is easy to read, you and your children will enjoy many different scenes of motherhood portrayed. The illustrations are fantastic and draw the reader into the full story. The book is available in digital PDF download or as a hardcover book.

Motherhood is a special gift from the Lord. The world sometimes makes this seem like a bad thing, but to me it is the greatest thing! I could be sitting in a court room or office right this very minute taking a deposition as a trained court reporter, but I choose not too because being in the daily lives of my children is important to me. I know some women have to work and I applaud them for doing that and being a Mommy. For right now, raising my children each day is more important than what any paycheck I could be bringing home is worth. Enjoy your children daily and live in the moment because one day they will be grown and out of the house.
See what my CrewMates thought of this book and the other books being reviewed from Home School Adventure Co. including Creative Freewriting Adventure, Celebrating Manhood: A Rite of Passage Guide, and Walking with the Waodani by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Home School Adventure Co.
Product ~ I’d Rather Be Your Mommy
Format ~ Digital PDF download
Price ~ $8.95 - $16.95
Ages ~ all ages

#hsreviews #celebratingmanhood #waodani #CreativeFreewriting

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