This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

On the 11th Day of CHRISTmas...

On the 11th Day of CHRISTmas my true love gave to me, ELEVEN Pipers Piping: The Eleven Faithful apostles {Luke 6:14-16} Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James bar Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas (Thaddeus). There is one note for each of them, two sets of eighth notes for the two sets of brothers. This illustration represents the apostles carrying Jesus' sweet message throughout the world. There are sheep in the pasture representing us, the flock".
~ Jesse Tree Treasure

{11 pretzel rod pipes}

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