This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, January 2, 2017

How We Learn on the Go ~ 2017 Virtual Curriculum Fair

Welcome to the 2017 Virtual Curriculum Fair!

It's a time for new beginnings with the new year so let's get started! Starting today through January 30th homeschool bloggers will be sharing how they run their homeschools and what works for them. Each week there will be a different theme to explore and learn from, so sit back and grab your favorite beverage and get ready to be inspired and refreshed as we head back into our school year. The themes for this year will include:

Week One: See how we learn: the Nuts and Bolts of what makes our home education come together
Week Two: Playing with Words: the Language Arts
Week Three: Discovering Patterns: Mathematics, Logic and Science
Week Four: Social Studies and more Science
Week Five: Seeking Beauty: The Arts and anything that adds Beauty to our World

First, I feel like I should make a little introduction because we have a lot of new followers here on the blog and on other social media. I am, first and foremost, a child of God, constantly pursuing life as He planned for me. Wife to M,  and mom to our 5 daughters and 1 baby boy who fill my heart with joy each and every day. I wear many hats in our family from head chef to taxi mom. I wouldn't change my life for the world, I love taking care of my family. This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives.  

Mr. M is the provider of our house who works hard each and every day so I can stay home with our children. Love that man! Marie is the one who made us parents. She is a typical first born child and has a great work ethic. Marie is our first graduate of A Stable Beginning Christian Academy and is currently a Sophomore attending Liberty University on partial academic scholarship. Madison is our quiet, laid back second born. She is kind of a "go with the flow" girl, always has been. She enjoys everything space and has her sights on being an Air Force Space Officer. Currently she is in the 10th grade and working on publishing her novel she wrote, The Last DriftersMikayla is our first resident gymnast who is very competitive at all things. She is currently in the 8th grade and is apart of the homeschool training group with her gym. This child loves everything gymnastics, period. She dreams of competing in college as a gymnast, yet she has not narrowed down a school of choice. Montana our fourth daughter who is a joy to have around is in the 4th grade. She is always saying something witty or telling us facts about lions, cheetahs and jaguars. She dreams of being a big cat vet when she is older. I think she has a pretty good jump start since her brain is filled with all sorts of facts about each animal. She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES everything and anything Lion King. McKenzie is our youngest daughter. She is a spit fire and even though she is tiny she will speak her mind and stand up for herself. She is a 1st grader this year and is excelling in math! She too is a gymnast having made the Level 3 competitive team last summer. She has her sights set on big things! Micah holds the official title of baby boy in this house. With five older sisters to dote on him, all of his needs are met swiftly. Micah is all boy and keeps us all on our toes. He loves to throw his balls and swing his bat and play cars.

***the names I refer to my children by online are their middle names. If you know us in real life, just match the name to the child and it won't be too confusing...I hope :-)***

So, now that you know who we all are let me tell you how we school on the go. January begins our travel season for Mikayla and McKenzie's gymnastics. School must go on so we make due by adjusting our learning schedules a bit. This is our 8th year on this homeschooling journey and I love the flexibility it provides our family especially during travel season. Thankfully, this year we are not going too far, but still it is nice to be able to have room to spread out and complete our lessons on the go or while in a hotel room.

During our travel months I rely on our lap desks, educational movies, notebooks/journals, and storage crates for packing up books and supplies. I love that the crates are able to contain everything we need whether it be for a long trip down the highway or a short trip in our #bigboygibby aka Nissan NVP 3500. The lap desk idea was not of my own thinking. A friend on Instagram posted how they road school and now we can not live without our lap desks.

That's a little bit about how we do school on the go. I hope you will join me on Instagram (a.stable.begnning) or here on the blog as we navigate the rest of this school year. Be sure to check out our host's, Susan's blog, Homeschooling Hearts & Minds and check out the other bloggers listed below too! Leave a comment to let them know you were there and link up your own posts too!

Until next week's edition of the 2017 VCF, be blessed!

I invite you to see how my fellow bloggers learn in their homeschools (note: all posts will be live by noon EST, Jan. 2nd):

The Evolution of Our Homeschool by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds
Us-School Because We Are Us, Not Someone Else by Laura @ Four Little Penguins
It's All About the School by Michele @ Family, Faith and Fridays
Setting the Stage- the 2017 Virtual Curriculum Fair! by Lisa N. @ Golden Grasses
New Year, New Goals, New School! by Amanda H @ Hopkins Homeschool
Homeschooling - A Glimpse into How We Do it by Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory
Spotlight on How We Learn in Our Homeschool by Laura @ Day by Day in Our World
Our Unique Eclectic Homeschool  by Jennifer @ A Glimpse of Our Life
How We Learn on the Go by Jacquelin @ A Stable Beginning
Home Education - 10 Ways We Make It Work by Lizzy @ Peaches At Home
Schedules, where would I be without them? by Kim @ Good Sweet Love
Education at Our House by Shecki @ Greatly Blessed
Starting the Day Well by Sarah @ Delivering Grace
Making a Change - Accountability and Responsibility Through Routine by Lori H @ At Home: where life happens
A time to be encouraged is coming.. the Virtual Curriculum Fair by Annette @ A Net in Time
Loving the Moment! by Jen K @ A Peace of Mind
Keeping Our Homeschool Organized by Christy @ Unexpected Homeschool
Homeschool Goal Setting – Looking Forward, Looking Back by Kristen @ Sunrise to Sunset
How We Choose Curriculum by Brittney @ Mom's Heart
This Is How We Homeschool by Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break
How we don't learn in our homeschool & how I don't plan {2017 Virtual Homeschool Curriculum Fair} by Meghan @ Quiet in the Chaos
Learning Our Way by Lisa @ McClanahan 7
Limping Along: Our Semi-Eclectic Approach to Homeschooling by Debra @Footprints in the Butter
2017 Virtual Curriculum Fair: See How We Learn by Dana L @ Luv'N Lambert Life

©2008 - 2017 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author. 
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