Friday, December 30, 2016

On the 6th Day of CHRISTmas...

On the 6th Day of CHRISTmas my true love sent to me, SIX GEESE A-Laying: The Six Days of Creation (as described in Genesis 1).
Day 1: The heavens, the earth, light and darkness.
Day 2: Heaven
Day 3: Dry land, the seas, and plants.
Day 4: The sun, the moon and the stars.
Day 5: Living creatures in the water and the birds in the air.
Day 6: Land animals and people.
Day 7: God "rested".
Notice that the Goose is painted in the same colors as the Partridge in the Pear Tree to show the eternal nature of the Trinity.

{Deviled eggs, yum!}

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