This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Accountable2You ~ a TOS review

You can find just about anything and everything on the internet. Sometimes that’s a good thing, and other times…well let’s just say it’s not at all. Especially when you innocently type in a harmless word, or so you and/or your child think and BAM you have just opened up a whole new can of worms and been exposed to something you were not expecting.

Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}

In this technology driven world, Internet accountability is almost a necessity. Six weeks ago Accountable2You offered us the choice of one of their four plans they offer: Family Plan, Group Plan, Individual Plan and Small Business Plan to review. We choose the Family Plan where you can have up to twenty devices linked up. It works especially well with multiple family members having devices -- including the teen away at college.

Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}

Accountable2You is a Christian company that offers families and businesses an accountability tool for those who want to be held accountable. They believe that if a person is determined to sin, they will find a way to sin. By developing strong relationships between partners, members and God Almighty, Accountable2You and their internet monitoring and accountability software seeks to develop character through accountability by monitoring internet usage on devices linked up to the software. However, no software will ever prevent a person from sinning, they just provide an outlet to keep you accountable for your actions. Accountable2You is all about building character through accountability and is built on the concept found in Proverbs 27:17 :

 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." 

 One person holding another accountable for their actions may just be what you need to stay on track.

Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}

• Up to 20 Devices
 • Unlimited Accountability Partners
 • Create Child User Accounts 
• Set Time Limit Alerts Per Account
 • Real time reporting 
• Accountability partners per device
 • Daily or Weekly email reports 
• Hourly Alert reports
 • Instant Text Alerts 
• Manage Objectionable word list 

This software is easy to install on all types of devices from desktops, laptops, tablets, phones and more. Each device is given an accountability partner who is chosen by the administrator. I chose to be the accountability partner for my children and installed the software on the desktop that the children use as well as on Madison and Mikayla’s laptops, iPhones, and Kindles for Montana and McKenzie.

Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}

This review was offered at the right time for us! A situation occurred a few weeks before we were offered this review in which one of my children was led to believe that she needed to focus on something outside of what we teach in our household. For a few days it consumed her thoughts and I found her watching a YouTube video on her iPhone (that is not hooked up to a phone line) when she was supposed to be doing her schoolwork.
Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}
She quickly lost all internet usage for a good two weeks and we opened lines of communication between my husband and I with all of our children through a family meeting about what had happened once we spoke privately with the offending child. There was no blame placed on this child, she had been led astray but is now back on the right path and forgiven for her actions. At our meeting, I told the girls that we had installed the accountability software on all of the devices in our household and that we would be able to see what was searched and looked at. No one had a problem with it.
 I especially appreciate the full activity reports function. I receive an email throughout the day with browsing history of each device selected to monitor. Full reports are also available at any time online through your dashboard. Information is stored for 15 days and you have the option to store them in Excel files if you wish to keep them longer. While Mikayla was at the gym, I could keep track of what she was doing on her laptop.
The report told me specifically what she had opened and looked at and for how long. It was refreshing to see that she was focused on her double days in completing her Latin and History homework instead of goofing off. There is also a function to be able to set up child accounts with time limits. The software will notify you if the child tries to access the internet during hours you have indicated they shouldn't be. 
 "Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." ~ Galatians 6:1b 
 Overall, I am really enjoying this program and plan to keep it after our 12 month subscription is complete. My only complaint is that this program is not fully compatible with iPhones, however, that is no fault of the company as it is Apple’s policy. Browsing history for the internet is not trackable with this program, however, that does not deter me from recommending it to you! The software has so many other great features that is is still beneficial to have overall. 
Be sure to check out what my crewmates thought of this software by clicking the banner below.
Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}

Company ~ Accountable2You
 Product ~ Family Plan 
Format ~ online software 
Price ~ $9.99 a month
Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}

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