This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Weekly Wrap Up ~ Week FOUR, the end of summer

We had a pretty normal week, I like normal.  Somehow my baby girl, McKenzie, turned 7! Not sure how that happened because it feels like I just had her. But she is 7,nonetheless, and overly thrilled about it. 

"High standards yield high results"  
~Thomas Preparatory School

That's the motto we are going with for the rest of the school year. I got it from a Facebook friend who just dropped off her 3rd homeschooled graduate to University with a $125K 4- year scholarship. Another motto of Thomas family is "We don't pay for college"! Tauleece is a wealth of information and I like reading about their family adventures. If you are in the Houston area she and her husband have founded the Homeschool Resource Network.  

So, I know there will be days when my best or the girls best, is good enough, and I am okay with that, really! However, what I am not okay with is laziness and/or lack of applying oneself. Does that mean everything is checked off on the weekly schedule? NO! It means that you did your best effort every day to get your assignments done with minimal complaining and/or  whining. I remember that I am training hearts within these walls of A Stable Beginning Christian Academy and if our hearts are focused in the right direction then the rest will come easy and be a breeze. 

Our school week was overall uneventful, yet exciting at the same time! Marie started her first day of sophomore year on Monday. So far she loves her roommates and her classes. She has even made a few new friends. It's strange not having her home but we are all adjusting.

Mikayla started her online Tapestry of Grace Virtual Co-Op on Tuesday morning. We had a bit of technical issues on our end with our microphone going in and out but overall it was great. She has five other students in her Dialectic discussion group and they covered weeks 1&2 in year 4. This is a huge stretch for Mikayla. The amount of detail and work in history she is not quite used to at the Dialectic level, but it is a great thing for her as she prepares for high school. We are blessed to be apart of this Co-Op. I have my first teaching class in early October. I am excited and nervous at the same time. 

Speaking of online classes, Madison begins Spanish next week with Homeschool Spanish Academy. She will be doing lessons twice a week via Skype with her Professora. We hope to get Profe Nora, the same Profe Marie had because she is a gem! 

Mikayla, Montana, and McKenzie start Latin this month. Honestly, I have been kind of dreading starting Latin with Mikayla. Why, I don't know??? I have been through the material before but it was weighing heavily on me. On Thursday I found out that we were selected for a review that included a full semester course of Latin at Carmenta Online Latin School! Praise the Lord, this is an awesome opportunity and just what I needed. The anxiety of starting Latin immediately went away knowing that Mikayla would be enrolled in the Latin 1A course. The class runs from Sept 7- Jan 30th and uses Wheelock Latin as a text. Class meets three nights a week via Skype and starts Wednesday.

Montana and McKenzie will both continue with their perspective Latin programs from Classical Academic Press. Madison no longer studies Latin because it is not accepted at any of the Service Academies. Instead she spends the time studying vocabulary and preparing for her standardized testing. 

Micah has been plugging away during his Preschool Prep time. He loves to use his binder and he already knows most of his colors! He gets blue and purple mixed up, but I think GREEN is his favorite. He loves to tell us what color shirts we are wearing. He has also started counting to 10 out of the blue. I was only teaching him to 5 but he can go to 10. 

This was the last week of summer practice for Mikayla and McKenzie. I like summer practice because, well, it's summer, but trying to school around the hours is tough. In fact, I questioned my sanity of why we started school this month. I am glad we did but I look forward to school practice schedule even though we will now have no Saturday. Between both girls gym time, someone will be at the gym from 8am-4pm on Saturday. Both girls will train in the morning during the school week, and Mikayla will have one evening practice because of her TOG online class and Girl Scouts. We will be able to have family dinner most every night!

With the start of our new week next week I have decided to have focus days for each child. 5 days a week, 5 children in school. It works out perfect. At least in my mind it does, LOL. I want to have one day for each child to really focus in on what they are struggling with or a fun sensory activity or game in McKenzie and Micah's case. 

Micah insists on jumping out of Gibby now. He normally lands on his feet.

That's our week. We have two more weeks left in our first 6 weeks of schooling. We also have two birthdays coming up and a weekend getaway planned. The State Fair is at the end of the month and we are all looking forward to going for the first time since we have lived here! Bacon on a stick anyone!? 

How was your week?

Weekly Wrap-Up

Reviews this week:

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