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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Pray-ers ~ a TOS review

Today I have a book review to share with you about prayer. Do you believe in the power of prayer? Prayer is our direct connection to God and one of the most powerful tools at our disposal everyday. Author Mark S. Mirza has written a powerful, fictional story about the power of prayer in his new Christian historical fiction novel, The Pray-ers / Book 1 Troubles published by CTM Publishing Atlanta.

The Pray-ers / Book 1 Troubles

Mr. Mirza is quick to admit that prayer does not come as easily to him as one would think. He has to work at it and keep praying himself. Mr. Mirza has had the privilege of leading the men’s prayer ministry for a well known preacher, Dr. Charles Stanley, at First Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA. He also started the Common Thread Ministries to help individuals and churches with prayer.

The Pray-ers / Book 1 Troubles

In his first novel, Mr. Mirza tells the story of the power of prayer in three separate, yet interconnected storylines. These stories take place in three different time periods, a 1st century Christian - Epaphras, a contemporary of Paul., a 18th century circuit preacher named Alexander Rich, and during a current period through the eyes of a college professor - Dr. Dale telling of the troubles each of the men face in their life and how they respond in faith. Tying all three stories together is the common thread of one 9 ft tall angel, Hael, and a host of demons.

I received a physical copy of this book in paperback format. There is however, an ePub edition available if you like reading on a digital reader. I read this book myself, I am about three-quarters of the way through it and have found myself intrigued the whole way. The book starts off very slow, and is probably one of the reasons I have not finished it yet. Well, that and the fact that I really needed peace and quiet to read it so I waited until everyone was in bed most nights before digging into it. This is not a book for children, as it contains several topics that should be discussed before turning it over to your preteen or teen.

However, this book reminds us that it is essential to pray every day, even if you think it is a trivial prayer. Give it up to God and watch what he can do. I really appreciated the fact that scripture reference was provided at the bottom of the pages when necessary to support the Biblical evidence. I loved being able to look up the full verse for myself and dig into the word a bit more.

Check out what my CrewMates thought of this book by clicking the banner below to see what they thought.

The Pray-ers / Book 1 Troubles

Company ~ CTM Publishing Atlanta 
Format ~ paperback book 
Price ~ $23.95 paperback, $4.99 ePub download 
Author ~ Mark S. Mirza
ISBN ~ 978-0-9972365-0-7 
Genres ~ Christian Historical Fiction
The Pray-ers / Book 1 Troubles
Social Media Links:
Twitter  @ThePrayersNovel

 #hsreviews #prayersnovel #christianfiction

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