CHSH Download Club stands for the Christian Homeschool Hub Download Club and it was created in 2010 by Lynda Ackert, a veteran educator of 20+ years. Mrs. Ackert has a passion for teaching and creating educational material for teachers and homeschoolers alike. She pours her heart into her online community as a way of giving back.

The CHSH Download Club gives subscribers access to over 50,000 downloadable pages of quality educational material on an easy to navigate website. With products on everything from Preschoolers to High Schoolers, this club has you covered. And if you like creating products, you can upload your items to the site too and share with the community.

Since CHSH is also a community, you can connect with other members through the self-contained forum and receive helpful information and newsletters too. Membership to the CHSH community is free. A subscription to the Download Club affords you access to all the member benefits plus access to all 50,000+ downloadable products. There are two subscription levels, Annual for $25.00 or Lifetime membership for just $99.00. One of the best features, in my opinion, is that since the founder creates and sells hundreds of educational products on sites such as Teachers Pay Teachers {my favorite go to site}, I now have access to all the products she creates, SCRORE!

Finding the download you need is as easy as clicking in the “search for downloads” box. You can also view the downloads by category, subject, or grade by looking at the handy download catalog.
This year we are concentrating on character building within the walls of our Academy. I found the perfect companion in the Character Traits, Volume 1 and Volume 2 to help guide us. Getting started was super easy. I just clicked on the link and the download started right up. This character curriculum is literature based and included 2 volumes which teach 40 character traits. The curriculum helps students to start thinking about both positive and negative character traits. It helps children see and start discussing how to make the right connections within their own lives. A suggested book list is included which is super helpful.
Volume 1 teaches the following traits through characters in literature:
~ Grateful
~ Greedy
~ Confident
~ Sincere
~ Diligent
~ Hopeless
~ Courageous
~ Optimistic
~ Pessimistic
~ Compassionate
~ Fearless
~ Persistent
~ Impatient
~ Ambitious
~ Stubborn
~ Forgiving
~ Loyal
~ Arrogant
~ Wise
~ Generous
I also have been using the worksheets in the preschool category for my 2 year old son who loves to do school. Printing pages for him to work on is super easy and it makes him feel special to be apart of the group learning with his own papers.
Overall, I give this product two thumbs up! Having access to all of this quality material is really priceless because of the sheer amount of products available to download. Be sure to check out what my CrewMates think of this product by clicking the banner below!

Company ~
Product ~ CHSH Download Club
Format ~ digital
Price ~ Annual for $25.00 or Lifetime membership for just $99.00.
Ages ~ Mom’s and preschool – high school

Social Media Links:
Hashtags: #hsreviews #CHSH #homeschool #homeschoolresources

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