We received the following components in our Jolly package:

I was able to use this program with McKenzie (6) and Micah (2) over the last month during our lite summer schooling session. Both are eager learner so getting them to sit down and work on the colorful, kid friendly pages was easy as pie. The lessons are super short too, so it really did not feel like school work for them or me either. I started McKenzie, my 1st grader, on the latter half of the Jolly Phonics Student Book 1 in the blends section. She knows her letter sounds but needs a little bit of help with blending so it was great review before we moved onto Jolly book 2.
McKenzie prefers this phonics program over a very popular code program that we have used in our homeschooling for years. I really wish I had the Jolly Phonics program when my now 4th grader was learning phonics!
For Micah I did not have him do any of the handwriting work. I just introduced the sounds and used letter flashcards and danced, a lot, to the letter songs. I love that he is getting a head start on learning his sounds just from playing this CD at home or while on the road.
My older children don’t mind listening to the CD either because the songs are that fun. Be sure to check back later this week for an additional Jolly Phonics product, Can Do Cubes, that we have been using in conjunction with our Jolly Phonics. We love this phonics set and give it 2 thumbs up!.
Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this program by clicking the banner below!

Company ~ Jolly Literacy
Product ~ Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar
Format ~ physical books and CD
Price ~ Jolly Phonics Teacher's Book is $12.95, Student Books are $4.50 each. Jolly Grammar 1 Teacher's Book is $8.50, Jolly Student Book 1 in print is $7.50. Songs book with CD is $17.50.
Ages ~ preschool and up

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