This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Star Toaster: Orphs of the Woodlands at Tangletree ~ a TOS review

Orphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review

We normally school year around here at A Stable Beginning. This year, however, has been a little different because we have had so much going on with the LCDR’s return home. Nonetheless, I still like to sneak in learning when I can to combat the "summer slide". For the last few weeks I have been able to do just that with the the help of Star Toaster and their brand new interactive book, Orphs of the Woodlands at Tangletree .

Orphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review

I am a huge fan of reading at our house. I like to get the girls to catch the reading bug at a young age and then have them take off with it and soar. The Star Toaster Team believes that learning is a lifelong experience with opportunities all around us. They also believe that children learn best primarily in the home regardless of where they school {i.e. home, private, or public}. I love that Orphs of the Woodlands material is presented in such an entertaining and engaging manner way that children don’t even realize they are learning! Not only does it fill in any missing learning gaps, but it also instills a desire to learn.

Orphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate ReviewOrphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review

For this review we received a redemption code to iTunes to redeem this app. For access and play you will need to have an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch that runs iOS 8.4 or later. Normally the app is priced at $1.99 and you can use it with several children if you set it up with the family share through iCloud. With this feature I was able to have Montana, my 4th grader and Mikayla, my 8th grader work through the lessons on different devices. Montana used my iPad while Mikayla used her iPhone.

Orphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review
This app contains a 122 page illustrated chapter book that is complete with videos. Follow along with an adventurous flying squirrel named Abba who with the help of his best friend, Packrat Dod built a fort in an old oak tree called Tangletree. Together with their friends, Eixie and Hattah, who also built a fort called Thornwood had great fun in the Woodlands until a great flood came. After the flood, Abba has many adventures as he cares for six orphaned animals, or orphs, in his tree house.
Orphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review
Orphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review

Throughout the game, your child will help care for the orphs by completing jobs based on the 75 lessons presented in math, science, grammar, vocabulary, thinking skills, character, life skills, the arts, and more are woven into this exciting story. Not only is the story packed with knowledgeable things, but it also teaches your child how to learn.

Orphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate ReviewOrphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review

Orphs of the Woodlands is an online educational series like no other that encourages the love of learning, all the while helping to develop positive character traits in children. Designed to capture your child’s imagination it does just that and does not disappoint. My favorite part of the program would have to be the detailed emails that I received after Mikayla or Montana finished a chapter. I was able to see everything that they had learned within a specific chapter, to the number of lessons completed.

Orphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review

Orphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review

I can’t say enough about this app, we LOVE it! For the price, I would definitely have purchased it even if it was not offered to us. Anything that gets my reluctant readers reading is A+ in my book. We are excited for future installments of the story to come out. Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this app by clicking the banner below!

Orphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review

Company ~ Star Toaster 
Platform ~ iTunes app 
Price ~ $1.99
 Ages ~ 7 year olds and upOrphs of the Woodlands at Tanglegate Review
 #hsreviews #readingsupplement #readingapp #readinggame

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