Friday, July 8, 2016

Scripture Scribes: Men of Honor and Women of Grace ~ a TOS review

It’s important to me that my children have neat, legible handwriting. It’s also important that they know how to read cursive writing. I have many friends whose children are in public schools who tell me their children do not learn how to write cursive, let alone read it. That, my friends, is a travesty in my opinion. In our homeschool we require that everything, except math, be written in cursive starting the second semester of the school year. Since handwriting is a skill that requires daily practice to keep proficient, I have enjoyed having Mikayla use the Scripture Scribes: Men of Honor and Women of Grace, from Laurelwood Books.

Latin and Penmanship {Laurelwood Books  Review}

The Scripture Scribes series that we received is one of three volumes available for purchase for $19.95. The other two books in this series include His Name is Wonderful  and One Another   and are a series of consumable penmanship and copywork programs for students to write. The volume 1 we received is intended for upper school aged children, 7th-12th grade and presents your student with learning opportunities on 22 different character traits. Each lesson asks, “What is…?” and the lesson then provides the answers through:

~ a dictionary definition
~ a Bible definition
~ 5-6 pages of quotes from specific respected “men of honor” and “women of grace”
~ Scripture versus about the character trait
Long ago ... God gave us His Holy Word, and learned men painstakingly copied it so we would have it today. We have given you His Word in several versions so you can READ it, WRITE it, and THINK of it.  "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11 NIV)

Within the lesson, space is provided for the student to trace and copy the selected quotes and verses in their best handwriting. The character traits covered in this volume include:
~ honor
~ mercy
~ compassion
~ love
~ justice
~ grace
~ joy
~ peace
~ truth
~ long – suffering
~ faith
~ hope
~ honesty
~ trust
~ patience
~ humility
~ gentleness
~ kindness
~ faithfulness
~ loyalty
~ diligence and
~ purity

Latin and Penmanship {Laurelwood Books  Review}

I have been using this copywork book with Mikayla, my rising 8th grader. She needs a little more work on fine tuning her cursive writing and this book is the perfect set for her because it’s not too “babyish”; her words, not mine. She was able to work through the book two days a week and complete the full page of copywork. She chose to use her fancy, colorful pens.

I like that this book provided character traits and so many great quotes from famous men and women and scripture verses too. I would definitely recommend this series if you have a child who needs just a little bit more handwriting practice and you want to simultaneously work on instilling character traits.

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this program and the other products available for review including State the Facts: a Guide to Studying Your State , Patriotic Penmanship  , and Olim, Once Upon a Time in Latin: Derivatives I  by clicking on the banner below.

Latin and Penmanship {Laurelwood Books  Review}

Company ~ Laurelwood Books
Price ~ $19.95, consumable
Ages ~ 7th – 12th graders

Latin and Penmanship {Laurelwood Books  Review}

 #hsreviews #statehistory #penmanship #latinreaders

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