If you have been reading this blog for a while, then you know that we love good books and audio books too. Over the last year and a half, I have come to appreciate audio books more and more. I spend a good amount of time driving the girls here and there and during gymnastics meet season we are always on the go. Now that we have another gymnast in the house I anticipate an even busier competition season. A few weeks ago we were asked to review the newest audio drama from Heirloom Audio Productions called Beric The Briton . I was so excited when it finally arrived in the mail.

Now that I have been hooked on audio books and audio theater it has opened up a whole new world of listening for me and the family. Heirloom Audio Productions is passionate about bringing history to life in exciting and engaging audio dramas. With their newest released title, Beric the Briton, the have set the bar high and it does not disappoint!

For this review we received the following downloadable items in addition to the physical two CD set:
~ Beric the Briton MP3 set
~ eBook of Beric the Briton by G.A. Henty
~ 48 page study guide
~ inspirational verse poster
~ official MP3 soundtrack
~ printable cast poster
~ Live the Adventure letter
~ behind the scenes video
The study guide is broken up into three sections for each chapter:
Listening Well ~ includes comprehension questions to make sure you are understanding the story
Thinking Further ~ have your child think a little bit with these questions to increase understanding of the characters actions or intentions.
Defining Words ~ enhance the understanding of the story by knowing what selected vocabulary words mean prior to listening.

There are several purchasing options to order Beric the Briton directly from Heirloom Audio Productions including:
• $19.97 for an audio MP3 download that gives you instant access and includes bonuses like the Study Guide and printable copy of the inspirational quote from the centurion Julius.
• $29.97 plus $6.95 shipping gets you the two CD set plus the two bonuses above and the MP3 soundtrack download
• $99.97 plus $9.95 shipping gets you the Family Four Pack this gets you 4 CD sets, all of the bonuses mentioned above, plus 5 additional bonuses: Unlimited access to the Live the Adventure Letter, Beric the Briton eBook, printable poster with the star-studded cast, behind the scenes documentary.
All of the prices listed below come with a 90 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.
My package with our CD was delayed for nearly two and a half weeks because my mailman delivered it to the wrong house and my neighbor kept it for a while even though it had my name on it, but that’s another story for another time. Because we are on the go almost every day of the week we strictly listened to this while traveling. The girls were silent as the story played, eagerly listening for each detail. Sometimes we would stay in the van until a chapter had ended just so we could hear the end of the story. I really like the fact that the stories where numbered so we could find our spot quickly.
So, what’s the bottom line?! We love this CD! I love that the Henty stories from Heirloom Audio Productions not only entertain and educate the listener, but they always point back to Christ. I wholeheartedly recommend this product to any and all looking to add a bit of family friendly audio / radio drama into the homes. Be sure to check out what my CrewMates think of this product by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Heirloom Audio Productions
Product ~ Beric The Briton
Price ~ see above for different pricing options
Ages ~ 6 years old to adult

The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty series FB page
Heirloom Audio Productions social pages
Instagram: @HeirloomAudioOfficial
#hsreviews #HeirloomAudio #BericTheBriton #LiveTheAdventure #BringingHentyBack #AudioAdventures