The new wife wants to make sure that this son is not alive and has hatched a simple plan in her mind to alleviate this little “problem” of her child not being sole heir to the kingdom. Her solution is to dispose of all the 13 year olds in the kingdom. These kids will not go away without a fight though and are trying to foil the queen’s plot because they have discovered something that could very well blow the kingdom apart. They just need to find a way to not get caught!
This story was penned by Trisha White Priebe and the famous author Jerry B. Jenkins. Trisha is a wife and mom who loves everything water polo. She is also the assistant to Jerry B. Jenkins who is the renowned author of more than 175 books, including the bestselling series, Left Behind. Mr. Jenkins is the former vice president for publishing at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and is currently a member of the board of trustees.
I read this book aloud to my younger three daughters, aged 13, 9, and 6. It was probably over my youngest daughter’s head but she did recognize the familiar story line that is similar to the Bible story of Moses. She happily played while I read aloud. My 9 year old enjoyed the story! It was mysterious and suspenseful without being too scary and had positive Christian character traits that I like my children to know about, along with a strong girl and boy role model. Some of the parts I did not care for. Specifically, the “attitudes” presented at times. I know kids have “opinions” but because I am knee deep in adjusting
Because my 13 year-old, who is not a big reader, trains for gymnastics during the daytime hours, she only caught a few chapters that I read aloud here and there. She is currently reading the book over the summer and I am hoping that it will help her catch a spark for reading especially since she likes mystery books. I have her take the book to the gym to read during break and school hours. When she is at home I have her read a few pages aloud to me if she didn’t finish her reading at the gym. The best part is that I already know what happens so we can have a discussion about what she has read each day.
Overall, I give this book two thumbs up for great middle grade fiction. I would recommend the book but don’t just take my word for it. See what my CrewMates thought of this book by clicking the banner below. I know that we are eagerly awaiting the release of the second book of the series this fall.

Company ~ Shiloh Run Press
Product ~ The Glass Castle by Trisha White Priebe and Jerry B. Jenkins, 256 pages
Price ~ $12.99 hardback book, Kindle edition, or ePub
Ages ~ 10-14 year olds {tweens/teens}

Twitter @BarbourBuzz

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