Friday, June 24, 2016 Homeschool Record Keeping ~ a TOS review Review
I am really trying to be more organized in my thoughts and plans. Because we have a lot going on in this season of life and I don’t want to forget someone or something. In our schooling I am trying to stay ahead of the game now that we are headed back through high school again. My state is pretty relaxed as far as record keeping goes, but I do like to track attendance and keep lesson plans for myself. Recently, I've been using My School Year (Homeschool Record Keeping) from to do so. is an online lesson planner and record keeper that allows you to keep track of all the important things you need to track. It features:
 ~ automated attendance tracking 
~ lesson plan generators 
~ automated grading ~
 friendly teacher’s reminders 
~ activity tracking for awards, reading logs, volunteer work, and sports 
~ reports to create transcripts, report cards and more 
~ lesson plan sharing if you want to share with others 

At first I will admit I was like a deer in the headlights when I started using this program. Not fault of the program, just my own. I was overwhelmed by the days activites so I logged out and came back the next morning refreshed and found that it is actually quite user friendly after I played around with it for awhile.

Setting up your account with your student’s information only takes a few minutes for each child. Once that is done, you can begin adding in classes and daily lesson plans. Tracking grades, attendance, reading, and extracurricular activities is a breeze with this program. Because we are in our summer learning period right now, I did not add in any current lesson plans, rather, I went ahead and started adding in stuff for the new school year. I am super impressed with the book log and can’t wait to have a place where I can list all the books the girls have read or been read to for the year. It will be a great visual accomplishment to look back and say you read this many books this school year; especially for my daughter who is not an avid reader.

Another feature of MySchoolYear that I am impressed with is the report card feature. Recently my children asked for a report card and I was happy because they wanted one, but then I thought oh no, I need to prepare one. Now, all I have to do is make sure I input the grades into this lesson tracker and the program will automatically generate a report card for me. YES!!! A huge plus in my book. The program will also produce a transcript for my high schooler too and that is one less thing that I have to do. Review
Overall, I am super pleased with this homeschool record keeping program! I am personally a paper and pen/pencil kind of girl, but I do see myself being drawn into the digital/online world utilizing this online program for the rest of our yearly subscription and beyond, especially since it generates the reports that I need and want to track. At $5.00 a month or $40.00 for the year, it is priced just right for my “extras” budget. And because we are a large family, that price is for unlimited students whether I have 1 or 12 has me covered.

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this program by clicking the banner below.

Homeschool Record Keeping { Review}

Company ~
Price ~ $5.00 month or $40.00 yearly memebership
Ages ~ homeschool planners Review

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