is an online lesson planner and record keeper that allows you to keep track of all the important things you need to track. It features:
~ automated attendance tracking
~ lesson plan generators
~ automated grading
friendly teacher’s reminders
~ activity tracking for awards, reading logs, volunteer work, and sports
~ reports to create transcripts, report cards and more
~ lesson plan sharing if you want to share with others
At first I will admit I was like a deer in the headlights when I started using this program. Not fault of the program, just my own. I was overwhelmed by the days activites so I logged out and came back the next morning refreshed and found that it is actually quite user friendly after I played around with it for awhile.
Setting up your account with your student’s information only takes a few minutes for each child. Once that is done, you can begin adding in classes and daily lesson plans. Tracking grades, attendance, reading, and extracurricular activities is a breeze with this program. Because we are in our summer learning period right now, I did not add in any current lesson plans, rather, I went ahead and started adding in stuff for the new school year. I am super impressed with the book log and can’t wait to have a place where I can list all the books the girls have read or been read to for the year. It will be a great visual accomplishment to look back and say you read this many books this school year; especially for my daughter who is not an avid reader.
Another feature of MySchoolYear that I am impressed with is the report card feature. Recently my children asked for a report card and I was happy because they wanted one, but then I thought oh no, I need to prepare one. Now, all I have to do is make sure I input the grades into this lesson tracker and the program will automatically generate a report card for me. YES!!! A huge plus in my book. The program will also produce a transcript for my high schooler too and that is one less thing that I have to do.

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this program by clicking the banner below.

Company ~
Price ~ $5.00 month or $40.00 yearly memebership
Ages ~ homeschool planners

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