MaxScholar is an online program that is accessible anywhere you have a good internet connection. A set of speakers or headphones is also good to have too. We received a one-year subscription to the MaxGuru program. It includes access to:
MaxPhonics ~ based of the Orton-Gillingham method this is a multi-sensory program that prepares 3 to 7 year olds for reading.
MaxReading ~ improves reading comprehension and introduces students to the concepts of summarizing, highlighting, and outlining in 13 levels. There is a placement test to see the best level to start with.
MaxWords ~ build vocabulary through reading and word parts knowledge all the while learning word parts and improving spelling. Learn prefixes, suffixes, Greek & Latin word roots, spelling rules, and syllabification.
MaxVocab ~ a dictionary with thousands of entries, definitions, and games to build the students vocabulary.
MaxMusic ~ play fun learning games while strengthening reading skills and learning music. MaxPlaces ~ explore the world and check for reading comprehension with multiple choice questions. MaxBios ~ meet famous people from the past and present from all over the world with these biographies.

I used this with Mikayla, my rising 8th grader. She would take her laptop with her to the gym on her double training days and work on the program for at least 30 minutes during the school hours break. At first glance when I was checking up on her progress I noticed she was spending a lot of time in the MaxMusic section. I first thought it was listening to music and that sort of thing, but after further investigation, I saw that it was more than that! This section actually has grammar and piano sprinkled into the lessons.

Company ~ MaxScholar
Product ~ MaxGuru: MaxScholar Reading Intervention Programs
Price ~ $330.00, on sale for $279.00
Ages ~ K-12th

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