This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

2016 - 2017 Plan of Study, 10th, 8th, 4th, 1st, & Nursery {PreSchool Prep}

It's that time of the year again when I start plotting and planning curriculum for the next school year. Honestly, I love this time of year! Figuring out what has worked over the last year and what has not, making subtle changes here and there to fit each individual child. 

Well I have made my list, checked it twenty billion times  twice, and have almost everything in our possession. A few things I plan on picking up at the state convention next week and I need to narrow down and order our history books but mostly I am done shopping and the planning will begin, yay! 

I normally have our plan of study up on the blog in early May. This year ,however, has been different because I can only do so much each day with the LCDR away. I have been reading a lot lately about Scholé and restful teaching. The latest post from Everday Scholé about multum non multa really had me thinking {and just when I had this grand scheme of a plan!}.  So, I have scaled back our plans to really enjoy the journey. Not that we weren't enjoying it before, but to really make room for what I the LCDR and I deem to be the best for our children. I don't by any means have this all figured out, even as we make our second cycle through high school. Everyday is a learning process because each of the girls are so different.

For next year I know we will continue to follow a four day week for Montana and McKenzie. For Micah I will shoot for a three day week of intentional learning. McKenzie and Micah also do busy boxes and play on the other days to keep busy and quiet during school hours. We have had success with a four day week this past year when this season of life had me feeling overwhelmed at times. We take off on Mondays and it is a huge blessing to have a day to take care of appointments, errands and what not. 

Madison and Mikayla have requested to continue to complete 5 days a week and I am good with that, because it works for them. Madison is normally done with her schoolwork by lunchtime and she enjoys spending the rest of the day penning her second novel and taking photos. We also will continue our year around schooling with 6 weeks on, one week off with necessary modifications during travel season. This schedule keeps me sane.

So without further ado, here is our 2016 - 2017 Plan of Study!

Madison - 10th, {M-F}

Apologetics, (1cr)
~ Sonlight Bible 300
Math (1 cr)
~ Saxon Math, Algebra 2 
History/Geography (1cr)

~ Sonlight Core 300 : 20th Century WorldHistory

Honors English II (1.5cr)

~ Rod & Staff 9/10, book 2
~ Literature: Sonlight 20th Century Classic Literature

~ Literature and Composition

~ Article of the Week {current events only- not the writing portion} 
~ SAT vocabulary study
Honors Chemistry (2.5cr)
~ Apologia Chemistry with Red Wagon Tutorials, Lab Kit (1.5)

~ Surveyof Astronomy (1) *like last year she has requested additional science focusing on Astronomy. She wants to be a Astrophysicists / Air Force Space Officer.

Foreign Language (1cr)
~ Spanish 2: Homeschool Spanish Academy {twice/week}
Art , (.5cr)
~ ArtAchieve, Level 2
 Music Study (.5cr)
Philosophy (.5cr)
PE, .5 cr
~ Varsity Softball with local private school {Spring}
~ Track &Field Club {Spring/Summer}
~ Swimming lessons {Fall} *needed for Air Force Academy
Drivers Ed, (.5 cr) (1st  semester)
Health, (.5 cr) (2nd semester)
Alpha Omega, Life Pac High School Health
* PSAT prep / ACT vocabulary prep 1 hour/day

Total credits ~ 12.00

Mikayla - 8th, {T, W, TH, F}

Sonlight Bible H
Language Arts
Rod & Staff Grammar 7
~ Rod & Staff Reader 7 {Guided Reading/Comprehension}

~ Vocabulary Cartoons   

~ Required Reading:

  • Anne of Green Gables
  • Poetry for Young People: Robert Frost
  • Snow Goose
  • Homeless Bird
  • My Side of the Mountain
  • Have Space Suit - Will Travel
  • Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood 
~ Writing Unit Bundle

~ Article of the Week {current events only- not the writing portion}
~ Algebra 1/2 
~ Tapestry of Grace, year 4 {Dialectic level} *Tuesday discussions with an online co-op. Excited for this group and the accountability!
 ~ Apologia General Science with Red Wagon Tutorials, Lab Kit
~ Worlds Greatest Brain Booglers
Latin ~ 3 credits         
~ Latin 1A: Carmenta Online Latin School MWF

~ ArtAchieve, Level 2
Composer Study
21 Lessons in 20th Century American Music Appreciation
~ Competitive 
Level 9 {or 10?} Gymnastics Team, {28 hours/week}
Total credits ~ 3

Montana ~ 4th {T, W, TH, F}

~ Bible Study Guide for all Ages, Unit 2
~ morning time recitations {MTR} *more on this plan and resources soon*
~ Tapestry of Grace, year 4 {Upper Grammar Level}

Language Arts
~ Rod & Staff Grammar 4
~ Rod & Staff Spelling 4/5

Rod & Staff Reader 4 {Guided Reading/Comprehension}
~ A Reason for Handwriting, book D
~ 4th Grade Writing Bundle
~ Required Reading list: Sonlight 4-5 Readers

~ Saxon 5/4
~ Apologia Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day with notebooking journal
Greek Myths
Memoria Press D'Aulaires' Greek Myths
~ Latin for Children, A
~ Rod & Staff Happy Health Habits

~ ArtAchieve, Level 2
 Composer study
21 Lessons in 20th Century American Music Appreciation
Rec softball league, Spring ball

McKenzie – 1st  {T, W, TH}

Bible Study Guide for all Ages, Unit 2
~ Morning Time Recitations {MTR} *more on this plan and resources soon*
Language Arts
~ Rod & Staff Grammar 2 {covering only the first half of the book}
~ Rod & Staff Spelling 2
~ A Reason For Handwriting, Book A
~ Tapestry of Grace, year 4 with Story of the World {Lower Grammar Level}

~ Saxon 2
~ Song School Latin 1
Artist and Composer study
~ Art cards
~ Competitive Level 3 Gymnastics Team and PreTOPs {15 hours/week}

Micah ~ Nursery, PreSchool Prep

~ Memoria Press Preschool {at his pace, 2 days a week}
~ busy boxes / learning through play
~ Slow and Steady Get Me Ready

 ***Plus any products we get the chance to review with The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew!***

And that's it! If you read this far, you are a rockstar! It's a lot of information but I am glad you stuck it out to the end. Join me next week as I tell you our schedule and resources for our MTR time. Have you thought about your plans for next school year? I would love to see them! Leave me a link in the comments section.

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates have planned for curriculum choices as I link up with TOS 5 Days of Homeschool 101.

5 Days of Homeschool 101

©2008 - 2016 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author. 
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