Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sunya: The Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Adding & Subtracting ~ a TOS review

I love being able to tie in hands-on learning games with actual learning. Since the beginning of the month I have been playing a fun new math game with McKenzie to help her practice her math facts. It’s called, Sunya - The Magic and Wonder of Math andScience Adding & Subtracting from Sunya Publishing .

The inventor/author of this new game, Sunya, is Paul Latell. He works in the counseling and teaching fields and received his master’s degree from Barry University. Sunya, the “u” is pronounced as the “oo” in book, is the Sanskrit word from the ancient and classical Hindus language. It means empty or void of any quantity. In the game, the winner is the first player to go out of cards.

Math and Science {Sunya Publishing Review}

The game set comes with four components:

·         The Parent/Teacher Guide: This is a thin spiral bound book printed mostly in black and white. The front and back covers are printed in color on heavy cardstock. It includes instructions to play the game along with a short history about math.
·         The number playing cards for adding and subtracting: This is a set of 60 cards that include wild and operation cards along with addition, subtraction, and equal symbols. These also have ten frame dots indicating the number amount.
·         The amazing math and science fact and riddle cards: this set of 30 cards includes math and science riddle questions.
·         A special Adding and Subtracting number line card: this timeline is printed on heavy cardstock and it is helpful in helping to count.

This game is meant for 1-5 players aged 7-adult. Getting started playing is quite simple too. Players can either sit in a circle or semicircle and choose to either play the Adding or Subtracting game. One player is the dealer and they set up a number sentence with a plus or minus sign, depending on the game being played, along with an equal sign. Space is left between the signs so that number cards can be added during game play. The dealer then takes 3 cards, 2-9, to make a number sentence. For example if you were playing the Adding Game 3 + 4 = 7.

The dealer deals four cards to each player and then the first player tries to complete a number sentence of their own. You can either have the player to the left of the dealer go first or the youngest player. We choose to do the latter when we play. You keep playing the game until the first player to go out of cards. He or She then yells “Sunya”. If another player catches you not saying “Sunya” then you have to draw another card and try again.  At the end of each round the game winner draws a card from the math and science riddle pile and reads it.

In our copy of the Parent/Teacher guide we have two pages printed in color. I personally like the color printed pages, but it would not detract me from buying the product if it was only offered as a black and white printing. I like the color pattern too, the orange and purple coordinate nicely and are pleasing to the eye.

This game is simple to use and play. There are several other variations or different ways to play the game, but we stuck with the original because McKenzie is only 6. We really enjoyed this game and I liked that I could have McKenzie practice her math facts with the cards during her quiet time. She never complained about doing that, so that is a win, win! My favorite part of the cards is the ten frame at the bottom. McKenzie was able to use the ten frame to count the numbers when she got stumped on a math fact. I also laminated the timeline card to increase its durability, especially with a toddler in the house.

Overall, we have enjoyed this game and look forward to adding the Sunya - The Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Multiplying & Dividing set to our game closet too. I think Montana, who is 9, would enjoy playing this game. But guess what? Neither of these games are available for purchase just yet. The Crew was offered a review to try them out before they are being mass produced. However, they will be available for purchase really soon, so you won’t have to wait too long.

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought about both the Sunya Addition & Subtraction and the Multiplication & Division games by clicking the banner below.

Math and Science {Sunya Publishing Review}

Company ~ Sunya Publishing 
Product ~ Sunya - The Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Adding & Subtracting
Ages ~ 7 to adult

Math and Science {Sunya Publishing Review}

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