Writing is a thorn in my
side some days. I strive to teach my girls to be great writers but sometimes I
will admit to coming up short in this department. So, imagine my surprise when
I found out I was on the review list for the new homeschool writing curriculum,
Writers in Residence from Apologia
Educational Ministries .
I am sure you have heard of Apologia
Educational Ministries if you are a homeschooler. If you
are not, let me tell you a little about them. Apologia is one of those
companies that everybody talks about and for good reason too!
When most people hear Apologia’s name mentioned they
immediately think of their award winning science programs for elementary
through high school. But did you know that they now offer a homeschool
writing curriculum too?
my review I received the Writers in Residence Volume 1 Full Set
that was written by Debra Bell that is geared towards students in the 4th
– 8th grade. The complete set includes a big spiral-bound all-in-one
Student Text and Workbook. A helpful answer key is also included. It is
intended for grades 4-8.
Writers In Residence {WIR} is the first of three volumes in the new series and is a writing-focused language arts program. The Student Text and Workbook is a huge book like I said. Okay, huge might be an overstatement, but it is a spiral bound book with over 500 pages. Inside there are 6 units in this program that integrates grammar and writing all at once. The units include:
Writers In Residence {WIR} is the first of three volumes in the new series and is a writing-focused language arts program. The Student Text and Workbook is a huge book like I said. Okay, huge might be an overstatement, but it is a spiral bound book with over 500 pages. Inside there are 6 units in this program that integrates grammar and writing all at once. The units include:
~ Unit 1: I Remember
Writing Assignment:
“When I Was Young”
~ Unit 2: I Imagine
Writing Assignment:
“Very Truly Yours”
~ Unit 3: I
Writing Assignment:
“My Family Hall of Fame”
~ Unit 4: I Think
Writing Assignment:
“My Favorite Author”
~ Unit 5: I Remember
Writing Assignment:
“The History of Me”
~ Unit 6: I Imagine
Writing Assignment:
“Zap! Pow! Kazam!”
Each of the units in the student book are color-coded for
ease. A helpful suggested daily schedule for 32 weeks is included. The fine
details it provides is really helpful for pacing and getting things done on our
I used this program with Mikayla who is my reluctant writer.
I love how the program is written directly to her and it provides clear
checklists and instructions so she knows what to expect each day. This program
is set up so that Mikayla can work independently, which is a huge plus. I can
send her with her assignment on Mondays and Fridays, her gym double days, and
know that the instructions are clear and precise for her. I do double check her
work on the weekends to make sure things are getting done. So far, so good, we
will stick with this program for the rest of this school year.
One of the features of this curriculum that I like the best
is the spotlight on several Christian writers like Phil Vischer and Bill Myers
to name a few. I had fun browsing through the whole book reading the bios of
the authors.
I am sure you know Apologia also publishes K-12 Creation-based science and worldview curriculum for
children K-12, inspirational books about homeschooling, and hosts online
classes through Apologia Academy, but if not definitely check out the website
and explore all their offerings. And be sure to check out what my
CrewMates thought of this product by clicking the banner below.
Company ~ Apologia
Educational Ministries
Product ~ Writers in Residence
Product ~ Writers in Residence
Price ~ $89.00
Ages ~
4th – 8th grade

Twitter @apologiaworld
Hashtags: #hsreviews #DebraBell #middleschoollanguagearts #middleschoolwriting

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