We received a digital download of this product. Downloading the product was a bit slow, but nothing too unbearable. We were ready to start learning within an hour. This is a fun, engaging, supplementary math program that uses interactive stories, songs, and quizzes to help teach children the higher multiplication facts. By viewing short animated video clips with catchy lyrics, Montana was eager for math lessons.
We were able to use this product 3-4 days a week during our morning time to focus on learning the upper facts, the X's 6's, 7's, 8's, and 9's for the fact families starting at with 3. Some of the learning stories are brilliant! For instance, when learning the 7's facts you can think of it as a week. Mr & Mrs Week are the focus of this fact family because there are 7 days in a week. Fact family number 8 is all about Mrs. Snowman, because and eight is similar is shape to a snowman. I would use the time towards the end of of Morning Time to sit and focus with Montana for 10-15 minutes on learning the stories and facts. Some of them were easier than others for her to grasp, but I can definitely say that this has helped recall her memory on some of the more trickier facts.
As I mentioned before, we receive a MP4 Digital download of this non-consumable program. It includes printable including flash cards, puzzles, and several games to help reinforce the facts learned. With the download you gain access to everything offered in addition to the video stories. All of the PDF files are easy to print off and use. The best part is that because it is non-consumable you can use everything the program offers with all of your children in years to come! Because Montana is a visual learner, having access to these visual stories and additional resources were great success for us. We also enjoyed the printable flash cards and activities that were included.
I will just tell you now, flat out, that if you have a child that struggles with the multiplication facts, or one who is just beginning to learn this important math skill definitely check this program out. we have thoroughly enjoyed using this program in our homeschool and I look forward to using it with McKenzie and Micah when the time comes for them to learn these math facts. In my book, anything that can make my non-math liking 3rd grader say, “math is fun” is worth every penny to me. Be sure to check it out for a student in your family.
Be sure to check out what my CrewMates think of this product by clicking the banner below.

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