Saturday, January 23, 2016

My family

Hi there! Today I wanted to share a little bit about each of the kids in my family who you read about on this blog. Mr. M and I are blessed to be the parents of 6 awesome kids, here's a little more about them.

Marie is the one who made us parents. She is a typical first born child and has a great work ethic. Marie is our first graduate of A Stable Beginning Christian Academy and is currently a Freshman attending Liberty University on partial academic scholarship. She is majoring in Graphic Design, not quite sure what her focus will be yet though. She enjoys drawing and the arts so this is the perfect major for her. Her first semester of school she earned a spot on the Dean's List and received 5 A's and 1 B {which technically is an A, but we won't go there, LOL}.

Madison is our quiet, laid back second born. She is kind of a "go with the flow" girl, always has been. She enjoys everything space and has her sights on being an Air Force Space Officer. Currently she is in the 9th grade and working on publishing her novel she wrote last year, The Last Drifters. Madison loves being outside and in nature. Some of her favorite past times include collecting marbles, learning about new science theories, stargazing and reading EVERYTHING she can get her hands on. In her free time she enjoys playing softball and has her hopes on making the Varsity team at one of the local private schools this spring.

Mikayla is our resident gymnast who is very competitive at all things. She is currently in the 7th grade and is apart of the homeschool training group with her gym. This child loves everything gymnastics, period. She dreams of competing in college as a gymnast, yet she has not narrowed down a school of choice. Personally her dad and I would love to see her go on to compete with the US Air Force team, but we will see. She tells me her favorite subject is lunch {LOL} yet she excels in math and science, but does not really enjoy doing those subjects, if that makes sense. Even though she just turned an official teenager, she still loves to just play with her siblings or by herself. I love that she is still a kid at heart.

Montana our fourth daughter who is a joy to have around is in the 3rd grade. She is always saying something witty or telling us facts about lions, cheetahs and jaguars. She dreams of being a big cat vet when she is older. I think she has a pretty good jump start since her brain is filled with all sorts of facts about each animal. She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES everything and anything Lion King. Like she has watched the movie so many times she could probably recite the lines herself. She is also a softball player who normally plays right field. During the off season she has been practicing hard to have a shot at pitching a few games.

McKenzie girl is our youngest daughter. She is a spit fire and even though she is tiny she will speak her mind and stand up for herself. This year she is in her official Kindergarten year and is excelling with reading and math. She loves to learn and really enjoys her Explode the Code books. As a member of the Pre-Team gymnastics team and Pre-Tops team she has her sights on being a competitive gymnast next year just like big sister Mikayla. I frequently have to tell her to keep her feet on the floor as she seems to not be able to get enough gymnastics. Her sense of fashion is something to see now that I have allowed her to pick out her own clothes during the week. 

Micah holds the official title of baby boy in this house. With five older sisters to dote on him, all of his needs are met swiftly. At 20 months he has just started talking in two word sentences. He can now says all of his sisters names and loudly. During school hours he loves to sit at his desk and work on coloring pages, looking at books, or building with blocks. Micah is all boy and keeps us all on our toes. He loves to throw his balls and swing his bat. In fact, he just started making contact with the ball when it is tossed to him. I think we may have another ball player on our hands. Daddy wants him to wrestle and play football like he did, so we will see.

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