My girls have great drawing skills, especially Marie who has been doodling and drawing detailed pictures since she was four! Let me be the first to tell you that I can not draw. Well, I can draw stick figures, but that’s about it. Over the last six weeks we have had a chance to prepare our hearts as we enter this Christmas season by using Birth of Jesus: Multi-Level from Grapevine Studies .
Grapevine Studies has developed one of the leading Bible study curriculums to grow disciples for Christ. Children use their own Bibles and study materials for their level through a multi-sensory approach that includes hearings, seeing, and drawing the Biblical lessons. One of the great features is that this curriculum does not promote any one specific faith or religious practice, so it works for all denominations.

We received eBooks of The Birth of Jesus Multi-Level Student Workbook, Teachers Manual and Traceable Pages. The Birth of Jesus study includes five self-paced lessons that can be spread out over 24 days.
The weekly lesson topics are:
~ The Announcement
~ The Birth of Jesus
~ The Proclamation
~ The Wise Men & Herod
~Final Review
Each lesson includes the complete timeline for the entire story you are learning and includes several pages to correspond to the verses, including the memory verses, you are learning about. The traceable pages are perfect for the young learners who want to be involved in Bible study time.
I used this curriculum with my youngest two daughters {9 & 6} during this review period. I love how simple stick figures have helped them see the whole big picture of Jesus’s birth and the Reason for the Season. The program is so great for visual and artistic learners.
My plan is to go back through this study at the beginning of December with all my girls at home as we prepare for the Christmas season. Or you could use it in addition to your Advent studies. My younger girls are excited to go back through the program again and this time really memorize the story of Jesus’s birth.

If you want to use one of Grapevines other studies but are too sure about where to start, be sure to check out this graphic chart below. It will give you an idea and overview of what the company offers. Overall, we have enjoyed this product and will continue our stick figuring through the Bible in January as we start preparing our hearts for the Resurrection with The Resurrection Studies.

Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of this product and the other titles being reviewed, Birth of Jesus: Beginner, Old Testament 1: Level 1 Creation to Jacob, Old Testament 1: Level 2 Creation to Jacob, Old Testament 1: Level 3 Creation to Jacob, Old Testament 1: Level 4 Creation to Jacob , by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Grapevine Studies
Product ~ Birth of Jesus: Multi-Level
Price ~ between $6.50 – 10.00 for eBook versions
Ages ~ 5-7 years old
Format ~ eBook download
Periscope: @Grapevine Studies

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