Thursday, September 24, 2015

YWAM Publishing: George Washington: True Patriot ~ a TOS review

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I know you probably already know that our family likes to read, but I am going to tell you again Smile History is a favorite subject right after science. And since we use a literature based curriculum we get to read a lot.


Recently, Montana and I have been reading and studying all about George Washington: True Patriot and using the Unit Study Curriculum Guide with the help of YWAM Publishing.

YWAM, who? I know that’s probably what your thinking. YWAM Publishing is the publishing division to the Youth With A Mission organization and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. There mission is to provide quality Christian materials to help fund children and adults around the world through vital missions programs.


We received a hardcopy of both the book and study guide for the purpose of this review. The book retails for $7.50. The book is also available in either Audiobook CD or MP3, Direct e-book, Kindle, or Nook versions. The corresponding study guide retails for just $7.49.

YWAM Publishing Review

When I first read the title when this vendor was offered for review I quickly realized that I was already familiar with the YWAM Publishing company because the history curriculum we use uses several of the books.


George Washington: True Patriot is a biography of our country’s first president. The book is divided into 19 chapters and it begins with him as a child in the colonies and continues through his death. All throughout the book you find out about interesting facts about George Washington. Like did you know that he loved ice cream? Did you even know that ice cream existed back then? I did not so that was a great fact to know. Montana and I speculated if George Washington would enjoy her favorite flavor of ice cream, Mint Chocolate Chip? Montana thinks he would have Smile 

The unit study guide is a gem of a book with 63 pages. It contains a set of comprehension questions for each chapter to get you thinking. With just four questions for each chapter  you cover topics including:

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Factual Details
  3. Comprehension
  4. Opinion or interpretation.

The study guide includes many projects and writing assignments to keep you busy and engaged with what you are learning. There is so much in this guide including:

~ Creative writing prompts

~ Dramas

~ Reading comprehension questions

~ Essay writing assignments


~ Timeline project

~ Movie critiquing

~ Hands on projects, audio visual projects, arts & crafts projects

~ Games

~ Many additional resource ideas

All in all we have enjoyed this book and study of George Washington! I love that we have been able to go in depth with our learning with the accompanying study guide. This year we are studying the Presidents, I hope to have Montana put together a lapbook for each President we study. With this book and Unit Study guide it takes the guess work out of what to cover and include.

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this book and the other titles offered for review from the Heroes of History and Christian Heroes: Then & Now series by clicking the banner below.

YWAM Publishing Review


Company ~ YWAM Publishing

Product ~ George Washington: True Patriot and Unit Study Curriculum Guide 

Price ~ $7.50

Ages ~ 10 +

YWAM Publishing Review
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