This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up, wk 1{picture heavy}

group shot 2 with name

Yay, we have completed our first week of school! This year marks our 7th year of homeschooling and I must say it feels good to have this first week in the books.

Micah battingMicah coloringMicah sleepingMicah with dogsMontana and Micahbuddies

Our week went relatively smoothly. We did spend a lot of time chasing our busy toddler, Micah, down and keeping him busy and out of “stuff”. For some reason his is attracted to markers and colored pencils like a magnet.

On Monday morning, my printer and computer did this mysterious offline malfunction. It would not recognize my old iPhone I was trying to load The Story of the World on, nor print off the last papers I needed to print. I tried restoring the computer to an earlier set point and that did nothing. It was so frustrating that I had to just walk away for a bit and let it sit turned off. I tried again at lunchtime and all of a sudden the Norton security popped up saying it needed to run a back up scan and fix. Thank goodness, whatever that scan did reset the printer and internet and now it works like new!

Montana KindleMontana reading on Kindle

This week we also mysteriously misplaced a book, A Lion to Guard Us. It just might have accidently ended up in our donation pile to the local homeschool bookstore. I triple checked our bookshelves and checked the library who did not have it in their system. Next I checked Amazon and low and behold they had a Kindle edition.

Madison readingMcKenzie countingMcKenzie cuttingMontana lionspelling games

Remember Prime Day back in July? I took advantage of the $79.00 deals on  Kindle Fire’s. We were planning to give Montana the Kindle for her birthday in Sept. I went back and forth with myself as to whether or not to give her her birthday present a whole month early. In the end I did and I am so glad I did. Not only was her reaction priceless because she did not suspect it at all, and she was able to complete her reading this week without getting behind. Double yay!

On Thursday, I had to take Mikayla to the doctors for the ankle/foot. She has injured it somehow and was complaining it hurt. She normally does not complain about the aches and pains she has but I knew something was amiss when she was near tears after practicing.

McKenzie and I reading

We didn’t get to see our regular Pediatrician and the one we did see was not child athlete, nor gymnastics friendly. Her whole demeanor was negative from the minute she walked in the exam room as she brought up old injuries Mikayla has had, like 3 years ago. Its safe to say that I will not be seeing this doctor again for any of my children.

Mikayla felt her negative energy too and even though I knew she was in pain she did not let on to the doctor that she was. An x-ray was taken and thankfully there is no fracture present, however, there is a “boney defect”. Thankfully, we have a referral in for the Pediatric Sports Medicine Clinic and Pediatric Orthopedics. Now we just have to wait!

Mikayla Saturday school

On the school front we accomplished all that was set before us for the week! That is a great feeling. Mikayla and I did some Saturday school this morning to tie up her loose ends. I am so thankful for the morning training hours even if it means giving up a few hours on Saturday to complete lessons.

I have been on the hunt for some milk crates or something for Madison and Mikayla to store their school books in. So far I have been unsuccessful finding them. Marie just informed me this morning that Target has them on sale starting tomorrow, so hopefully they will be in stock when we go in the morning.

Marie and Micah with dogs

We take Marie to Liberty on Thursday morning. I told a friend that I am in the denial phase. I know its coming, I just keep pushing it out of my mind. Hopefully reality doesn’t smack me in the face come Thursday morning. I know she is prepared and ready, I just need to let go.

group shot with me

So that was our week. How was yours? Have you started back to school yet? I am going to attempt to keep up with the Weekly Wrap Up this year. Instead of posting on Friday when I am literally almost always exhausted, I am going to post our wrap up on Saturdays. I hope you will join me each week.


Weekly Wrap-Up




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