Sunday, August 23, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up, Week 2 ~ Hives, MRI’s, College drop offs and marriage engagements


It’s been a busy week at our house filled with hives, Doctor visits and MRI’s, and college drop offs! We did manage to get a little bit of school done too.


On Sunday Micah broke out with a mysterious case of hives    that lasted until Monday afternoon. I even went as far and went to the local pharmacy to get him some Benadryl. Thankfully, I asked the pharmacist about dosing, because he cautioned that young children should not have Benadryl without seeing a doctor first. So, we slathered him up in Calamine Lotion on Sunday afternoon which seemed to do the trick to calm the breakout. His face was pretty bad, but I did not want to put any lotion on his face knowing he would somehow get it in his eyes. For the life of me I could not figure out what had triggered the  breakout until we had breakfast on Monday morning. The only thing different that he had eaten over the course of the two days was honey nut Cheerios. Since cutting out the honey nut Cheerios and just giving him regular Cheerios he has been hive free. So, no more honey for my little honey bear.


On Monday my little sister, Allie, got engaged! Brian popped the question while they were on vacation in San Diego. Congratulations to Allie and Brian! They are such a cute couple and Brian is a swell guy! I wish them many years of happiness!!!


Tuesday I spent all morning and early afternoon at the U-Haul dealer getting a tow hitch installed on the new van. It was a long ordeal because the installer had to wait on a new set of hitch wiring to be delivered. The people that worked there were great though and really friendly. Micah did so well too waiting in the tiny waiting area.


On Wednesday Mikayla was seen by the Sports Medicine Doctor. Initially, the Dr. said that the x-ray showed a  bruise to her cartilage and ankle bone and ordered a MRI for that evening at 730PM along with placing her in a walking boot. The MRI took forever!  The waiting room was a small box with no cell service and the TV counted down from 60 seconds and said “good bye” and turned off. It was so high on the wall that my vertically challenged self could not reach the power button to turn it back on. So I sat in silence and waiting the rest of the time.


Thursday morning we packed all of Marie’s stuff into the U-Haul trailer and headed to Liberty University to drop her off. She has settled into her dorm and is making friends and enjoying all the freshman welcome activities the University has planned.




Her math book was delivered to our house on Thursday instead of the bookstore. I was really tempted to drive it back up to her on Saturday, but instead I sent it through the mail :-) It was hard leaving her there, but she is in good hands. Classes begin on Monday and she is really excited to start.

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Friday it was back to the doctors with Mikayla for the MRI results. Praise the Lord, it came back normal! Thank you all for your prayers! It turns out that the dark spot on the x-ray was just a shadowing and not a bruise and that the source of her pain is from having flat feet with fallen arches. No more boot for her, just a good pair of insoles to support the arches!


The pounding from tumbling is compressing her ankle bones and pinching the tendons in her feet. The Dr. also noted that she has tight calf muscles and prescribed physical therapy 3 times a week for 6 weeks along with having to wear special insoles in her shoes to help support the arch better. Mikayla has to wear good athletic shoes with these insoles anytime she is not doing gymnastics. So, Mikayla is allowed to go back to the gym and start training again with the caution to not to work through the pain. She needs to make her turns count on each apparatus and listen to her body. The hole fallen arches explains so much though, the achy knees, the sore back and muscle spasms. She was compensating and making subtle adjustments to her body when her feet hurt, putting stress on different parts of her body.


Saturday both Madison and Montana had softball practice. Montana was bright and early in the morning which was good because the girls at Madison’s practice were dropping like flies from over heating. There were 3 girls at Madison’s practice that were overcome by the heat. Thankfully, they were doing better by the end of practice.


We ended up doing a few lessons of Saturday school with all the girls to finish up loose ends for the week. I am looking forward to getting back into our groove this week. We still have not started Science or Latin for Mikayla or Montana yet but we should be at full schedule the week after next.


I am in the process of brain storming how to turn the playroom back into a school area so that Madison, Mikayla, Montana and I can have a full size desk to work at. A few of my children are easily distracted, I think having a little cubbie area will help minimize the distractions. At least I am hopeful it will :-)


Until next week, God bless!

Weekly Wrap-Up




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