Monday, August 10, 2015

First day of 2015–2016 school year

Today we headed back to school for our 7th year of homeschooling, Wowzers!

First day group 2015-2016

The day went relatively smoothly if you consider chasing a toddler down and keeping him busy and out of “stuff”, a printer and computer offline malfunction, and a mysteriously misplaced book that just might have accidently ended up in our donation pile.


All in all, we were able to accomplish most everything on our schedules, which makes this box checking Mama happy Smile! I have a few adjustments that need to be made in scheduling for all of the girls but nothing major. Surprisingly, managing 4 Sonlight Cores this year (200, G, D, and A) has gone quite well for day one.

F first day K_edited-1IMG_9917

McKenzie was so excited to officially (for the States records) start Kindergarten that she was up at 630 ready for school. I wish I could say I was that enthusiastic to start, but after a long night with Micah I was a little slow rising.

You might notice that Marie is missing in Raven's Senior Pictures 333the pictures above. Yep, she has graduated from our learning academy and will be heading off to college in TEN short days! I am hoping she will oblige me and take a “first day” picture and send it to me.

Here’s to more great days during this school year!





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