Wednesday, July 15, 2015

2015–2016 Plan of Study ~ 9th, 7th, 3rd, Kindergarten, & Tot School

ASB Back To School
We start school in 18 days! Whohoo, I am super excited! This will be our 7th year of home educating and I feel like I have finally hit my groove and am comfortable with the Classical method of teaching and learning. Because I am re-learning right along with these girls {and little boy} Smile.
Just a few weeks ago we graduated Marie in the local homeschool convention graduation. It was fabulous! She is headed off to Liberty University in just 42 short days. We are so proud of her and know she will do so great in her Graphic Design major.
Without further ado, here is our 2015 – 2016 Plan of Study for 9th, 7th, 3rd, Kindergarten, and Tot School.
*None of the links listed are affiliate links
Wow, can you believe I am starting the high school series all over again! This time through high school will be a bit different because Madison wants to be an Astrophysicist and possibly join the Air Force, and with that comes a lot of math and science classes to prepare. Which she actually loves so it won’t be such a chore at all for her.
Last year for eighth grade Madison earned 2 high school credits, one for American History and one for Physical Science. Madison will also take the PSAT in October of this year to get a feel for the test. She normally tests extremely well, so I will be interested to see how she does.
Now, don’t be super alarmed at the amount of credits she is doing because everything will not be done every single day. She wants to hit the ground running hard so that come Senior year she can relax a bit. I can’t argue with that and we will definitely adjust the schedule if need be, especially if she starts to get overwhelmed.
Bible History, 1 cr
~ Sonlight Bible Apologetics 210
English & Composition I {Honors}, 1.5cr
~ Sonlight Literature 230
~ Rod & Staff 9/10, book 1
~ Excellence in Literature: Introduction to Literature
~ Vocabulary: 1100 Words You Need to Know  
~ SAT Question of the Day            
~ Revisions to novel and submit to publisher{s} 
~ Current events
History, 1 cr 
~ Sonlight Core 200: History of God’s Kingdom
Math, 1 cr
~Saxon Algebra 1
Science {Honors}, 1.5 cr
~ Apologia Biology with living books & movies and Red Wagon Tutorials
Foreign Language, 1 cr
~Alpha Omega Life Pac Spanish 1
~DuoLingo App                                       
Photography, 1 cr
~Become a better photographer
Meteorology/Astronomy, .5 cr
~ Introduction to Meteorology and Astronomy
Keyboarding, .5 cr (2nd semester)
Typing for Christian Service
PE, .5 cr
~ Softball: Fall - Rec team  / Spring –Varsity team with SCA
~ Girl Scout Senior     
~ Community Service with the National Exchange Club
Total credits: 9.5credits
Mikayla is entering 7th grade this year! This year will be a bit of adjustment as we transition to her being gone most mornings for training. She will be doing some of her school work at the gym during her break time and completing the rest when she comes home in the afternoon. The beauty of this new schedule is that she will have Thursday completely OFF, yes! {Let’s just pray McKenzie doesn’t have gym on Thursday}. 
For 7th grade I am going to be concentrating hard on getting Mikayla’s writing and reading up to par. Neither are her favorite things to do but both are so important in the long run. We are both going into this schedule change with some grace ahead of time because I know there are going to be days that we are both tired and don’t feel up to afternoon/evening school, but we will press on and get it done even if that means we work on Saturday. Afterall, a little Saturday school never hurt anyone, right?
Mikayla would like to be a pediatric physical therapist/sports medicine. A few years ago she hurt her elbow from all the training repetition and went to PT at the local Children’s Hospital. Her PT guy must have made a big impression on her because she is excited about going into this field and has even started talking about what colleges she would like to possibly attend.
~Alpha Omega Life Pac Bible 7
Language Arts & Composition
~ Rod & Staff Grammar 6 {second half of book}
~ Rod & Staff Spelling 7{finish}/ half of book 8                      
~ Hodgepodge of writing assignments
~ Current events paragraphs
~ IEW Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization {MTR}
~ Saxon Math 8/7 *includes pre-Algebra
~ Tapestry of Grace, Yr 3 {UG/D level}
~ Elemental Science Chemistry for Logic Stage
Guided Reading
~ Rod & Staff Reading 6
Art / Composer Study
Harmony Fine Arts Program, Opt. 2
~ Level 9 competitive gymnastics team 28+ hrs/wk
Girl Scout Cadette
Montana is moving full steam ahead into 3rd grade. She is excited and looking forward to being a third grader, mostly because she now enjoys reading for fun. She is also excited to start learning American History. It is my favorite history time period and since we live on the East coast, I look forward to taking many fieldtrips to historical sites over the next two years. Montana’s reading is starting to take off and that makes this Mama happy since she struggled in the beginning.
~ Sonlight Bible Core D {part of MTR – morning time recitation}
Language Arts
~ Rod & Staff Grammar 3
~ Rod & Staff Spelling 4
~ A Reason for Writing, C
~ IEW Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization {MTR}
~ Memoria Press Recitation {MTR}
~ Copywork, selected pieces from American History Through Copywork and Dictation
~ Sonlight’s Readers 3
~Reading lists
~ Saxon Math 3
~ Simply Charlotte Mason Your Business Math Pet Store
~ Tapestry of Grace, Yr 3 {LG}
~ USA Geography and US President study
~ Elemental Science Chemistry for Grammar Stage
~ listening to classical music
~Art projects for Kids
~ Softball: Fall and Spring ball
~ Girl Scout Brownie
My baby girl McKenzie is officially going into Kindergarten! We opted her out of Kindergarten last year  because her birthday is very close to the cutoff date. However, she did do Kindergarten level work and learned to read, YES! This year she will officially be a Kindergartener for School Board records.
This year I want to focus on her reading and phonics. We found out a few weeks ago that she could not see, hence the struggle I had getting her to read without complaining. She will do math, but with reading it was like pulling teeth midway through a lesson. Now she is the proud owner of not one, but two new pairs of glasses. However, the novelty of wearing glasses wore off within a few days Smile
~ Sonlight Bible A {MTR}
Language Arts
~ Memoria Press K recitations {MTR}
~ IEW Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization {MTR}
~ Explode the Code, books 1 & 2
~ A Reason for Writing, Book A
Sonlight Readers 1
~ Memoria Press First Start Reading with Classical Phonics
Ready 2 Read, Level 2
~ Reading list – reading good books working her way up to 30 minutes independently.
~ Saxon 1
CTC Math
~ listening to classical music
~Art projects for Kids
~ Pre-Team gymnastics, 5 hours/ week plus 2 hrs of Pre-TOPs
~Girl Scout Daisy

Micah is the perfect age to start Tot School now. He is so inquisitive and eager to learn and play. I am going to keep things simple, yet fun for him this year. I especially would like to work on getting him on a better napping schedule so that will be apart of his learning too.
~ Tot School
~ Flowering Baby – One to Two Years
So, that’s it! Our 2015-2016 choices are ready to go and we are ready to begin in the next few weeks.
It’s going to be a great year!
I will be linking up with the Not Back To School Blog Hop curriculum week hosted by iHomeschool Network and with Trivium Tuesdays.

nbts-blog-hop-calendar-20151Trivium Tuesdays - button

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