This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

SmartKidz Media ~ a TOS review

SmartKidz Media Review

Aside from being avid football fanatics we don’t watch much TV. I limit the girls TV choices to a select few shows on select channels. So, I was eager to try SmartKidz Media Library for Homeschoolers from SmartKidz Media.

We received a full year subscription to review. The site is jam packed with videos on almost any topic you can think of. Most all of the media is delivered through video format, however, there are some items available in study guide formats. These are some of the  main topics:

World of Discovery

Music and Fine Arts

Baby Signs Programs

Quick Find Study Guides

Learning Special Needs

Living Skills Program


Within the main topics there is a huge selection of subjects covered including:

Animals & Wildlife Collections
Documentaries & Culture Collections
Health & Fitness
History Titles
Lifestyles & Cuisine
Travel & Adventure: World Wide Discovery Collections
Cooking Instruction
Classical Music Collections
Cultural Music Collections
Cultural Music: Vol 2
Jazz and Blues Classics Collections
Relaxation Music Collections
Mighty E-Book Collection
Sign Language Collection
Special Needs Learning
Living Skills
Fun Zone

With so much to choose from you just need to make sure you have a reliable internet connection and you will be set. You can view the media on any type of device from computers to tablets so this makes a great resource for on the go learning too!

This is a secular site with the mention here and there of evolution. I did not find this as a detractor from the media offered as I previewed the material that the girls were able to view ahead of time. I do love that the girls can browse the media ad free, that is a huge plus for me! Montana and McKenzie were on this site a lot so that was nice to not have to worry about them seeing anything questionable.

Montana normally stuck to viewing the media about the animals and McKenzie would be on the Mighty Ebook section and the fun zone. We all enjoyed the media on how to make Japanese food, especially making Sushi. I personally enjoyed the Classical music selections the most. I like to have music playing in the background while we are working on school. This content gave us  access to new and old media alike.

I definitely think you should check out this amazing product for yourself! I know we will be utilizing it for the rest of our subscription and more! Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this product by clicking the banner below.

SmartKidz Media Review

Company ~ SmartKidz Media

Product ~ SmartKidz Media Library for Homeschoolers

Ages ~ all ages

SmartKidz Media Review


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