Oh my, the year has flown by so quickly! I can’t believe that this little guy is already ONE.
Micah is such an easy baby. He just goes with the flow most of the time and really only cries when he has been in his car seat too much. He just has his two bottom teeth and his smile makes my heart melt!
While he is not walking unassisted yet, he does take a step or two here and there. But who needs to walk when you have 5 older sisters who dote on your every need :-)
Micah can say Mama, Dada, and {w}Rawa for his oldest sister. He can sign milk, juice and sometimes thank you. He is all boy too! Climbing is his favorite sport and he is quite proficient at it, climbing the stairs, chairs, and couches.
Cars and balls are his favorite toys. You can find him pushing his cars and trucks around the floor and on the walls {which drives Mama crazy :-)} and his throwing arm is quite strong.
Here is a look back at him every month, starting from birth.
I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for this little guy as he grows stronger and bigger with each passing day.
We love you Micah!!!