Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Critical Thinking Co.: Editor In Chief, Level 2 ~ a TOS review

20150317_133310Recently, Mikayla, my 6th grader, and I have had the chance to review Editor in Chief Level 2 from The Critical Thinking Co.

Critical Thinking Company Review

The Critical Thinking Co. is a family-owned business that has been “empowering the mind” for more than 50 years. They sell critical thinking products/supplements that cover reading, writing, mathematics, science, and history. Instead of rote drilling and memorization, students are encouraged to “carefully analyze what they are learning.” The Critical Thinking Co. is on a mission to develop the critical thinking skills in all children. They currently have 5 books in the series for Editor in a Chief along with a host of other software options.

Critical Thinking Company Review

The Editor in Chief, Level 2 book contains 12 easy-to-follow lessons on the mechanics of grammar and also includes 69 activity pages. The lessons include instruction on the following topics:

  • content
  • capitalization
  • punctuation
  • spellings
  • adjectives, adverbs, and articles
  • conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections
  • pronouns
  • verbs
  • clauses and phases agreement
  • confused word pairs
  • negative words
  • run-on sentences
  • sentence fragments

Using this book is quite easy and each lesson only takes 10-20 minutes to complete. Once the lesson is introduced, Mikayla was able to set off and hunt for the specific errors. The passage tells you beforehand what type of error you are looking for and how many of each you need to find on the top right hand corner of each lesson. I especially liked this feature so that you know right off hand what you are looking for. As a bonus, Detailed answers are also included for each lesson.


We were able to complete one to two lessons of Editor in Chief each week depending on our travel schedule. Mikayla choose to edit her 20150318_115753passage sections with a colored pencil to make it easier to see the corrections against the black and white page. As an optional exercise, you can rewrite the corrected passage on a separate sheet of paper. I choose to have Mikayla complete this task as a way of finishing the final edit. Plus, she got to work on penmanship at the same time! I wish there were more books in this series to span wider grade levels, however, that does not detract from this product at all!

I get nervous during meet season because we travel so much that sometimes it feels like Mikayla does not get much "done" in school. I know we do accomplish a lot each day and using this book over the last six weeks has helped me feel secure in knowing that Mikayla is getting the grammar instruction she needs to succeed as a student athlete.

I love this book and all it has to offer our family! We will definitely continue to use this product in our homeschool each week as well as adding a few more selections to our line up next school year. Head on over to The Critical Thinking Co.’s website and see all of their Award Winning Core Curriculums, Pre-School Academics, and National Award winning products that have been helping students for over 50 years.

Also, don’t forget to check out what my Crewmates thought of this book and the other products that were up for review, Alphabet Song Game, Math Analogies Beginning, Math Analogies Level 1, Math Analogies Level 2, Editor in Chief Level 1, Pattern Explorer, and World History Detective Book 1 by clicking the banner below.

Critical Thinking Company Review

Company ~ The Critical Thinking Co.

Product ~ Editor in Chief Level 2

Price ~ $19.99

Ages ~ 6th – 8th grader

Critical Thinking Company Review






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