This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lord Heritage: HomeSchool Office ~ a TOS review

HomeSchool Office Review
So, as of lately my organizational skills have consisted of flying by the seat of my pants and doing the next thing. Normally, I am a list making, calendar creating fool but not right now. It's just where I am at in this here moment of life. I am not a huge fan of this style so when I was offered HomeSchool Office from Lord Heritage I jumped aboard.
HomeSchool Office is an internet based, full featured homeschool administration program based off both God and business oriented principles to help you, the homeschooling parent get organized. As a Christian company this program is created around scripture with a firm foundation to help you plan and track courses, create budgets for books and supplies, and to help build the all important high school transcript. HomeSchool Office is divided into 5 sections to help you track multiple students, subjects, and grades.almost anything you find helpful to your homeschooling administration needs can be tracked through the POWER acronym.
Plan ~ schedule course goals, build a master schedule, setup lessons and even plan your budget.
Order ~ schedule lessons, integrate home & school activities, create lists & reminders
Work ~ provide student access, print schedules, follow lessons, manages to-do lists
Evaluate ~ track grades, attendance & hours spent
Report ~ create transcripts & crest reports for personal use and to meet state requirements
I received an annual family membership which is valued at $79.00, but let's be honest here, I am a pen and paper girl at heart so this program was a leap for me. I found the initial set up process for five students to be completely overwhelming, but that may just be my learning curve. Once I was able to sit down and dedicate the time to learn to use the program, which just happened to be in the early hours of the morning, I felt more confident with each session.
I love the structure of all of the planning options available, but because I am in that fly by the seat of my pants stage as we finish out gymnastic travel season, I found it hard to get a full grasp of it. However, I was even able to create a budget for the upcoming school year and print it out.
Overall, I would say you should check this program out if you are looking for a structured, all inclusive scheduling program for your homeschool. Lord Heritage offers a 30 day free trial to see if this fits your planning style. One of the features that I liked in the program is that if you have multiple children on subsequent years you can just copy curriculum / lesson plans to the new student(s) without having to re-enter the information. A huge time saver in my book and a definite plus!
Be sure to check out what my CrewMates think of HomeSchool Office by clicking the banner below.
HomeSchool Office Review
Company ~ Lord Heritage
Price ~ $79.00 annual subscription
Format ~ online with printing options
HomeSchool Office Review
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