This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Great Parents Academy: GPALOVEMATH ~ a TOS review

Let’s talk about math today. You see this little girl 20150317_143159right here, she LOVES math! It comes really easy for her even at the young age of 5. I am always looking for new programs to try with her to satisfy her desire to “do her math” so when the opportunity to review GPALOVEMATH from GPA LEARN came up, I jumped at the chance.


GPALOVEMATH is a fantastically awesome web-based math program for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade.  With the help of seven animated characters who serve as “Learning Coaches” for each grade your child will get 150 lessons with over 10,000 practice problems per grade {that’s a lot of math!}. By just doing math lessons 4 to 5 days a week, your child can complete a grade level in just 10 months!


Setting up an account for McKenzie was really quite simple and painless. The administrator account allowed me to test drive the lessons and track her progress. GPALOVEMATH can be accessed on Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac computers, Apple iPad, or on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 11, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari 6 & 7. Google Chrome is the preferred browser but we had success with Explorer.


Since McKenzie is not a proficient reader yet I would sit with her and read the problems to her during the quiz section. I initially started McKenzie in the Kindergarten level, but it proved to not keep her attention during the lessons. So, just recently I bumped her up to the 1st grade math. Each lesson has three parts:

 instruction ~ work with your grade level learning coach with one-on-one instruction

 practice ~ practice some problems that you just learned

quiz ~ test out your skills and secure your rewards

A built in reward system keeps the learning and progression fun. What child doesn’t want an extra 30 minutes to stay up past their bedtime?! Or as the administrator you can set up your own rewards that celebrates your child’s effort for getting the lesson done! It’s a win-win for parents and children!


We mainly used this program two to three days a week as a supplement to our everyday math and I never had a problem with McKenzie not wanting to practice. Overall, once I found the right level for McKenzie she was able to find her groove and excel with this program. McKenzie likes this program and so do I. I plan to continue using this for the rest of our subscription year.

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates though of this program by clicking the banner below and reading their thoughts.

GPA Learn Review

Company ~ GPA LEARN


Platform ~ Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac computers, Apple iPad, or on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 11, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari 6 & 7.

Ages ~ Kindergarten through 5th

Critical Thinking Company Review






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