Thursday, March 12, 2015

FreedomProject Education: Mother, Should I Trust the Government ?~ a TOS Review

So do you remember when I posted that my two oldest girls and I were going to be taking an online class about the government? Well, the class was offered through FreedomProject Education has come to an end and I want to tell you a little bit about the class we took, Mother, Should I Trust the Government?

Freedom Project Education Review
FreedomProject Education is an accredited classical academy firmly based upon Judeo-Christian values and free from Common Core teachings. Classes are provided online in a live, interactive format for students in grades K through 12. With individual classes for students, as well as family courses on a variety of topics, be sure to check out the courses being offered for 2015.

Freedom Project Education Review
 Mother, Should I Trust the Government is taught once a year by Dr. Jake Jacobs, PhD over the course of 8 weeks and is intended for children 13 years and up. The class met on Monday evenings from 7-9 PM EST. Each Monday I would receive a helpful reminder about the class and easy to follow instructions to access the course. The latest version of Adobe Flash Player is necessary for participation. There is also a handy mobile app so you can connect to the class on your favorite mobile device.

 In addition to access to the online course, I received a softcover book of the same name as the course name written by Dr. Jacobs, a mini book version of the US Constitution, plus two bonus CDs from FreedomProject Education: "Who Owns Your Children?" and "Common Core".
Freedom Project Education Review
During the class, Dr. Jacobs would lecture about the books 8 chapters. There was plenty of opportunity for questions if they came up. While the class was a lecture style with mostly the teacher talking, it was not dry and boring thanks to Dr. Jacobs funny sense of humor and his love for the Packers. Homework was kept at a minimal and we were only tasked to read chapters from the book to be prepared to discuss in class the following week.

  “Unlike anarchists, America’s Founders realistically concluded that since men were not angels, government comprised of men must be: LIMITED, checked, balanced, separated; a federal republic and watched like a hawk forever.” ~ Dr. Jacobs 

 Marie and Madison also sat in on the lectures with me. Marie has just finished her government class before this class began, while Madison is taking American History. Overall, I thought the class was fantastic and I learned a lot that I had forgotten or just did not know to begin with. My girls loved to listen in and we often gathered around the laptop and listened for the 2 hours without complaint. I especially enjoyed the fact that I could listen on my phone through the Adobe connect app because I had to leave at 815PM to go and get Mikayla from the gym. Because we were right in the heat of the lecture I loved that I would not miss any of it while driving to and from. I can't wait to take another class!

 Be sure to check out any and all of the classes offered by FPE and click on the banner below to read the reviews of my CrewMates.
Freedom Project Education Review
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