This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up ~ Random 5 on Friday, December 12th {style}

Happy Friday Friends!

It is so good to be back in health after last weeks sickness. Seriously, I thought my head was going to explode. Now that I am back in health I have a lot of pictures to share with you and some exciting news!

1 ~ I am so happy to say that I have been nominated for a Home School Blog Award in the Best Photos category. I am humbled and thankful! Can I ask a favor? Can you click HERE and vote for this little blog of mine, I would truly appreciate your daily vote until 12/29.

The Homeschool Post



2 ~ school has been going great. This week we finished up week 15 for Marie and week 14 for the rest of us. I was able to make up work from last week without to much stress with the three youngest. Madison & Marie continued their studies, last week on their own, so I only needed to correct for them. Montana finished book one of her Saxon 2 Math yesterday. That means no math for her until January, She's pretty excited about that!


Madison did misplace the math instructional CD's A8(both sets) so I have been teaching her the lesson one on one. So far this week it is working smoothly and her comprehension is a lot better. She will need a lot of math in her future studies, so having a firm grasp of Algebra is an important goal for her. Next week we will finish up writing assignments any any tests so that we can start the year fresh come January.


In science club we are learning about the earths crust and making volcano's. I had planned to do some fun extra hands-on projects like a play dough earth layers or a paper mâché earth, but it just never happened. Good thing I will make my way back through this Earth Science curriculum a few more times so we will get to pick up the projects we missed.


Today, we tackled making volcano's with our two groups of girls. The Logic girls were very methodical in construction while the younger grammar girls did a great job on theirs and had a blast. And is there some kind of glue shortage? I searched high and low in my town this morning and only managed to find 3 bottles of glue. The Dollar Tree is my normal go to store for liquid glue when doing paper mâché and they were cleared out. Luckily Mr. M found those three bottles at Big Lots.


3 ~ last Tuesday we received our "big" food co-op order. Huge is more like it. The coordinator actually called and said my order may be too big to get home in one vehicle. Gulp! I knew Mr. M would not be home in time to help this month, so I cut down my order a bit and I am so thankful that I did because our new freezer is JAM-PACKED to the gills! Turns out Mr.m was able to get home early enough to help me and we fit 90% of the order in the van (with the all seats removed except for Micah's).


I can not even think of putting another thing in the garage or inside freezer. We were able to order lots of nutritious foods and juices. I was so thankful to have those juices and foods on Wednesday afternoon when the sickness took ahold of me. My A23older three girls were able to feed the younger two girls without me worrying. Plus we got three cases of orange juice that I have been guzzling down. The orange juice was especially helpful when I had an extremely sore throat and no appetite to eat and I was still able to nurse Micah.

The best part of our food order is that it is a cash only business and with the help and encouragement of my friend, Valerie, I have been able to cut down my grocery bill by $400 a month! Yes, you read that right. I have saved $400.00 each month since October, dropping my weekly budget to just $100.00 a week for food only for our family of 8! I am excited, and that's saying something considering my love/hate relationship with food and grocery shopping.

4 ~ this week we found out that Mr. M is in zone for promotion, yahoo! So excited for this opportunity and what it will bring for our family and his career. God is good and we are thankful to be in zone. I will keep you posted as we will not know anything until summer 2015. Last week, Mr.M went to the Strike Fighter Ball, a huge deal in our current community, and sat at the table with the XO, CO, and Wing Commodore. He almost didn't go because he felt bad for me being sick, but I am glad he got all dolled up and had a good time. Next year we both will spend the night out on the town all gussied up.

5 ~ last Thursday Madison & Mikayla had the opportunity to rise at the crack of dawn and join their fabulous Girl Scout leader at a local Lockheed Martin Center for Innovation to watch the  broadcast of the Orion launch. This was right up my Future astrophysicists/aerospace engineer's alley! Even though the launch was scrubbed, they both had a blast and learned a lot. Madison's favorite part was the space helicopter simulator.


So, this blog post has you all caught up on life in our side of the world. Next week is Mikayla's first  gymnastics meet of the season. Our gym is hosting the meet and it is always a lot of fun. I am excited and looking forward to meet season as well as a brief break in our homeschooling to celebrate Christmas!

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