This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up: Random 5 on Friday {style} ~ November 14th


1 ~ today at 12:29 P.M. Madison turned 14 years Mid November misc, S bday 1880old. Wowzers, this girl is growing up so fast! She is such a joy to our family. She never asks for anything and works diligently and hard day in an day out, so Mr. M and I decided she was finally ready to take on the responsibility of getting a phone. Verizon dropped the ball on us by cancelling our order out of the blue, so we had to upgrade her at no additional cost so she would have her phone by the time she left for the weekend for her yearly craft show with Aunt Joyce. She loves it and I love the little messages she sends me Smile


science crater fun

2 ~ another week, 12 weeks exactly, is in the books! I am so excited to be booking along with school. The girls decided this week that they wanted 2 weeks off at Christmas instead of just one. Hmm…I am all about democracy and majority rules, but I hope I have enough stamina come mid-February when we are knee deep into the winter months.


3 ~ today we went on a field trip to an animal education center. Besides the frigid weather and the detour that had us lost out in the country, it was an amazing time! I will write more about it next week, but my animal lover, Montana, was in Lions, Tigers, and a Grizzly Bear heaven! We are already planning to go back in the spring with our Science Club friends.

PicMonkey Collage

4 ~  you know what’s stressful? Remembering at 7:55 AM that the girls have a dentist appointment at 9AM. Throw in the fact that we live 35 minutes away from their pediatric dentist and you might have a slightly stressed out Momma. But you know what, we made it with time to spare and I did not raise my voice even once at the girls to get a move on. Everyone knew what needed to be done to get all 7 of us out of the house in less than 25 minutes. Love when that happens!


5 ~ This week I found out that I have been invited back to be apart of the TOS Review Crew, YES!!! I hope you all appreciate my reviews and they help you find new and amazing products to use within your own homeschools. I finished up my last review today and on Monday I am going to be showcasing our top 5 favorite products we reviewed for this year so I hope you come back to read that post. Also, I am going to link each of the reviews I did this year on one page for easy reference sometime this weekend.


So that’s my randomness and my week in a nutshell. I hope that you have had a great week and I look forward to sharing more with you next week.

I am linking this post up at:

Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers

The Pebble Pond

Collage Friday






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