This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up: Random 5 on Friday {style} ~ Nov. 7th

Happy Friday!


It’s been a while since I have written a weekly wrap up or a random 5 so forgive me for my absence. I was deep in the trenches doing life and getting our family on track with school and well…life in general.


1 ~ I am not sure if you heard but Marie has committed to attend Liberty University in the Fall of 2015. I am so stinkin’ proud of her and all the hard work she has put into her schooling to get to this point. I can’t believe she is a Senior this year, but I am enjoying every single minute she has left at home before heading to college.


2 ~ Madison is currently writing a novel, The Last Drifters, and in the process of getting it published, which I love for her, however, it is distracting her from her studies. I have had to remind her and reel her back in this week. We have had a minor setback in her math, but I think we are back on track now and that makes this Momma happy :)


3 ~ If this week was a week to make a breakthrough, then I will take it because Mikayla is steam rolling along with her studies. She even is reading her literature books without being told. That is huge for her! Last week she was invited to a Harvest Festival on Halloween and I did not let her go because school had been such a battle the last few weeks. I am pleased as punch with her turnaround with school and in the progress she has made this week in the gym!


4 ~ Montana has been plugging along steadily with her schooling. The highlight of her week was definitely finishing the 4th book of Explode the Code. I only require the girls to complete through book 6. She is eagerly looking forward to that day! A few weeks ago she finished up her second season of softball with her team The Twisters. Softball is definitely Montana’s sport. She is doing so well at seeing and hitting the ball.  Her bat definitely gets hot towards the end of the season and she is looking forward to Spring ball come April.


5 ~ Ah, my sweet McKenzie is growing up right before my eyes. This week was a week of big firsts for her. Since Monday morning she has read five words {Sam, at, cat, mat, & sat}, swung on the swings by herself, jumped rope, and by Wednesday evening she had learned to buckled herself in her carseat.  Tuesday night she started her new class at gymnastics, Pre-TOPs. While, it is not as intense as what Mikayla did in TOPs training, the two hour class wore McKenzie out. Her first night just happened to be evaluations night, and the coach said she did really well for her first time. She even scored three 5 marks. Wowzers! She had a great week and will always be my little Kenzie bug.

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Micah is just being the cutest baby on the block. I may be a bit biased but oh well :) This week he rolled over from his back to his stomach. The girls and I were so excited for him that he rolled again to his back. He has been trying really hard to sit up unsupported and he does really well until he gets excited, then it’s down he goes. We started cereal last week. Micah is definitely hungry for something other than nursing, but watching him eat rice cereal is quite comical with the faces he makes. Tomorrow we are going to introduce green beans so that should be fun :)


6 ~ And, because I can’t end this post without adding a 6th random fact, my hubby received a leadership award at work this week. He was voted for amongst his peers to receive this special honor. It came as a pleasant shock to him, but I know he is such a hard worker and provider for our family that it is well deserved.

So, that was our week. How was yours?

I am linking this post up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers Weekly Wrap Up, The Pebble Pond’s Random 5 on Friday, and Collage Friday hosted by Homegrown Learners




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