Monday, November 24, 2014

Six Months!

Ah, my boy is 6 months!

Hunger games party 6 months Mboy 374

This is such a fun age. Micah is aware of his surroundings and he is just starting to explore by rolling over and shimmying his way around. He was able to push up onto his knees a few times so I know forward mobility is coming. Well if he learns to sit unsupported that is :)

His stats as of this morning are:

weight ~ 15lbs, 4ozs

height ~ 27 inches

head circumference ~ 16.5 inches

Solid foods are going well and he loves vegetables. His favorite is carrots, yum! The doctor thinks it is time for him to learn to self-soothe back to sleep at night since he still wakes up for a 3AM feeding.  We will see, none of the girls slept through the night until after 8 months. And what’s two more months, I am already sleep deprived! I think I can wait until he doesn't need feeding/cuddling time on his own.







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