Monday, August 18, 2014

Meet my students

Welcome to week 3 of the “Not” Back to Homeschool blog hop! I hope you are having as much fun as I am reading all the blogs. This week is for introducing your students so without further ado here are my students for the 2014 – 2015 school year.

12th Grade

1st day with sign 2014-2015 046

Marie is my hard charging, self-motivated girl who is up and ready to work at 6AM. This is her last year of high school and it is bitter sweet. She is focusing on getting her cheer tumbling skills back this fall/winter so that come spring she can try out for college cheer. Her favorite subjects are math & history.

8th Grade

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Madison is my artsy-crafty girl who has a wealth of knowledge, especially when it comes to science. She is on the tennis team with one of the local private Christian schools and enjoys it. You can usually her her with her nose in a book. Her favorite subject is, you guessed it science.

6th Grade

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Mikayla, Mikayla, Mikayla what can I say about this young lady. She is all gymnastics all the time. Outside of the gym you can find her playing with her younger siblings and having a good time. She usually always has a smile on her face that can light up the room. Her favorite subjects are lunch and science (seriously, she said lunch, LOL).

2nd Grade

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Montana is my sweet little girl who loves everything to do with big cats. Her favorite being the cheetah and not a leopard :-) This is her second season playing softball and she loves to read about big cats and guinea pigs . When she grows up she wants to be a big cat veterinarian. Her favorite subject is science.

Kindergarten {Jr}

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While we are choosing to opt McKenzie out of our States school records, McKenzie bug is ready to start her Kindergarten studies. She is an eager learner who excels especially at math. This summer she became a big sister and she is such a great help with Micah. She is also following in Mikayla’s footsteps as a little gymnast.

Tiny Tot School


A true blessing to our family, little Micah is such a joy! He  is growing so fast and we are tying to soak in every moment.


The Principal & Teacher


This post is being linked to the iHomeschool Network’s Not Back-to-School Blog Hop. Be sure to check out everyone else’s links and see all of the beautiful students. If you missed our curriculum choices, you can read about our Plan of Study. Also check out our learning spacing from week 2.

Enjoy your year!!!




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