Friday, August 15, 2014

Back to Homeschool ~ wrap up

Back to Homeschool Blog Hop

Welcome back to the final day of The Back To Homeschool Blog Hop! Be sure to stop by the other 49 participates blogs in this hop. You can find them on the Review Crew blog and be sure to check out what some of my friends have to say  by visiting the links below.

Marcy @ Ben and Me

Lisa @ Farm Fresh Adventures

Jenn @ Treasuring Life's Blessings

Michele @ Family, Faith and Fridays

Dusty @ To the Moon and Back

Rebekah @ There Will Be a $5 Charge for Whining

Gena @ I Choose Joy!

When we were in the midst of planning our PCS across the country I just figured we would enroll the girls into another private Christian school. I quickly found that that would not be the case after researching schools in the area. Tuition was 3x’s what we were paying in WA and we were still keeping our house there at the time. Sure we could have squeezed it and made serious cuts and ate beans and weenies several nights a week, but God had another plan.

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I had friends who homeschooled and even my Aunt homeschooled my cousins. I remember staying up until the wee hours of the morning researching curriculum and reading blogs and forums. My friend Elizabeth graciously showed me her Sonlight curriculum and I was hooked.


Homeschooling has afforded our family many opportunities. Opportunities to grow and learn as a family. We didn't start out from the beginning being homeschoolers but I am so glad that God led us on this journey. This year marks our 6th year homeschooling  and we will graduate our first born, Marie, in the spring. While it hasn't always been rainbows and butterflies we are making it work for our families needs and goals. Enjoy your journey and time with your child, as it passes so quickly.

 back to school image credit

Summer seems to have passed by so quickly this year, espceially since the arrival of little Micah. On August 18th we will dive back into our formal studies.  I have to admit I am ready to get back into the swing of things. I sincerely hope that each one of you has an awesome school year, whether you are a homeschooling family or not. And don’t forget to enter the giveaway for your chance to win over $1300.00 in curriculum and  $250.00 in Paypal money. You can find the link HERE.

Back-to-Homeschool-Grand-Prize-Giveaway Back-to-Homeschool-Second-Prize-Giveaway

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