This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Back to Homeschool ~ support groups

Back to Homeschool Blog Hop

Have you been enjoying The Back To Homeschool Blog Hop as much as I have? These ladies are so creative within their homeschool journey. There are 49 other participates in this hop so do stop by the Review Crew blog and be sure to check out what some of my friends have to say  by visiting the links below.

Marcy @ Ben and Me

Lisa @ Farm Fresh Adventures

Jenn @ Treasuring Life's Blessings

Michele @ Family, Faith and Fridays

Dusty @ To the Moon and Back

Rebekah @ There Will Be a $5 Charge for Whining

Gena @ I Choose Joy!

Today I wanted to touch base on the topic of support systems.  Not everyone will agree with your decision to homeschool, but having a support system in place will make those rough times that much easier.

Remember those hard days I spoke about yesterday? There will be days in which you wonder if you are doing the right thing?  Are your children learning enough? There will always be naysayers in life who tell you can’t do something or make you think twice. However, I can tell you from my experience that having someone you can talk to makes a huge difference. Even if its just someone to listen to you bounce ideas off too.

I am blessed to have a wonderful support group of family and friends, both in real life and online. My Aunt Janice, also homeschools my cousin who is in the same grade as Madison.  We use the majority of the same curriculum, so its always nice to be able to FaceTime or talk on the phone about what’s working or not working.

I firmly believe that if you feel led by God that this is what He wants you to be doing for your children then He will see you through. Trust him to guide your paths. I hope you will come back again tomorrow as we wrap up this blog hop. And be sure to enter the giveaway for four books featured in this blog post.

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