Friday, July 4, 2014

Random 5 on Friday ~ July 4th

I am back for another week of Random 5 on Friday hosted by Miranda at The Pebble Pond.

1. Early this morning Hurricane Arthur barreled through the coast of North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Because we live not too far from this area we received some winds and rain early this morning. The storm is gone now and the sun is shining and we are ready to enjoy the 4th!

Major 6 weeks 007

2.Micah is 6 weeks {already}. He is now topping the scale at 9 lbs. We are slowly getting into a nice routine to our day so that has been great.


3. Also, this morning the Lt surprised the girls with front row seats to Disney on Ice tickets to see Frozen in September. Montana & McKenzie are over the moon excited!

4. Madison, Mikayla, and Montana officially completed this school year now that the required yearly testing is done. {happy dance}. It was like pulling teeth with a certain someone to get it done, but its done and will be on its way for grading Saturday.

5. I popped the inner tube on my jogger this week. Waiting on the Lt. to buy another one since the rip can not be patched. I look forward to hitting the road again next week.

So, those are just a few of the random thoughts swirling through my head this morning. Do you have anything to share?

The Pebble Pond
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