Thursday, July 10, 2014

Moving Beyond the Page: Literature and Science ~ a TOS review

Moving Beyond the Page Review
20140710_085450With summer in full swing I like to keep the girls reading, especially my two that are not big readers to begin with. Remember last year when we had the chance to review a literature and science unit study for Madison & Mikayla from Moving Beyond the Page? Well, this year we were blessed to be able to review another unit study just for Montana, my 7 year old. We were able to choose an online Language Arts package ~ Charlotte’s Web {for 7-9 year olds} and a physical copy of the Science Package ~ The Water Cycle {for 7-9 year olds} to correlate. 
Moving Beyond the Page offers complete literature-rich curriculum for a full year for ages 4-14. As a comprehensive unit-based curriculum it encourages children to use their minds to think both critically and creatively in topics such as science, language arts and social studies.
Equally challenging and engaging all of the units combine hands-on activities with writing and discussion assignments that appeal to multiple learning styles. Children will get to explore many great books while using this program. Each of the learning packages include learning guides and books and sometimes extra supplies or activities. Learning guides are available in either a physical or online edition.
With easy laid out lesson plans it is possible to use this a complete stand alone curriculum or as a supplement. Multiple learning styles are covered with engaging and challenging activities and projects to keep your child learning while doing. All of MBTP’s curriculum meets or exceeds National or State Standards all the while encouraging your child to think outside of the box.
We received the online edition of the Literature guide for Charlotte’s Web and a physical copy of the novel which retails for $20.92. All of the materials for the teacher and student are conveniently available online to access for 90 days. It is really simple to log in for access to all of the items in this learning guide, including PDF files for worksheets, reading questions  and activity pages. This unit can be used independently, but it is perfectly designed to be used concurrently with the science and social studies unit on The Water Cycle.
We received a physical copy of The Water Cycle unit which retails for $25.94 and will help your child learn all about the unique properties of water as they follow a drop of water that falls from the sky, flows across the land, provides life for animals and plants, and makes its way back to the clouds with the book A Drop Around the World by Barbara McKinney and Michael S. Maydak. As a final project for this unit, your child will have learned a wealth of information to help teach family, friends, and neighbors all about the water cycle.
It was easy for us to incorporate using these two products into our daily routine by just setting out 20-30 minutes a day. The worksheets and activities were fun and engaging for Montana that she often asked if I was ready to start. She even tried reading the book aloud to me when I was busy tending to the baby one day.
Let’s be perfectly honest here… I have been drooling over  MBTP’s website and catalog trying to incorporate some of the unit studies into our upcoming year. You know when you find a curriculum or product that just blows your mind, well this curriculum has kept me coming back for more. We definitely will be completing more unit studies as we dig a little deeper into topics for this upcoming school year. I also have already purchased the new 4-5 year old curriculum for McKenzie to use in her Kindergarten year as we solidify her alphabet recognition and sounds.
But don’t just take my word for it. Click on the link below and read what my fellow Crewmates thought of all of the unit studies that were available for review. I would list them, but there are way too many :)
Click to read Crew Reviews
Price ~ $20.92, $25.94
Ages ~ 7 to 9 year olds
Moving Beyond the Page Review
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