I am sure you are thinking you need thousands of dollars of special equipment, right? Nope! You just need a full size keyboard or a piano and a way to access the internet. Instant online access is readily at hand whether you wish to view the lessons on a computer, tablet, or even your phone.
The four books are broken down as follows:
CorePiano ~ is for absolute beginners and includes six original songs to practice and play.Book 1 ~ beginner, may be the student brushing the dust off and coming back to piano after a break.
Book 2 ~ beginner to intermediate. This level starts incorporating more complicated concepts, songs and improvisation ideas.
Book 3 ~ intermediate. Towards the end of this book, students are exposed to concepts like syncopation, voice leading and more advanced scales for improvisation.

Each book includes a printable E-book with printable songs. Books are separated into 6 different units and further broken down into different steps including:
- Technique
- Rhythm
- Ear Training
- Reading Music
- Song
- Improvisation
- Bonus - contains review of concepts learned
So, I am pretty sure you are thinking that all this is going to cost you a pretty penny, right? Nope. Homeschool Piano is actually quite economically priced for all that you get and for the amount of students you may register {remember you get up to 5}.
HomeSchoolPiano has two payment packages with the following pricing:1. Success Package (One payment of $299) ~ Unlimited life-time access to HomeSchoolPiano along with all bonuses (downloads, jam tracks, sheet music) for up to 5 students.
2. Payment Plan (Payments of $99.97 per month for three months) ~
Unlimited life-time access to HomeSchoolPiano along with all bonuses (downloads, jam tracks, sheet music) for up to 5 students.
Montana was so happy to be able to start formal lessons. She eagerly practiced even when it was not time to play. McKenzie too enjoyed the piano instruction. However, I thought the program moved a bit too fast for her, I was thankful for the rewind and pause features. Montana wants to play songs so she is getting a bit impatient but really enjoyed playing the scales.

Company ~ HomeSchoolPiano
Product ~ HomeSchoolPiano - Complete Set of Books
Price ~ Success Package: One payment of $299 or Payment Plan: 3 payments of $99.97 for 3 months
Ages ~ for use with all ages