Now just because the title say Homeschool Moms, don’t for a minute think this book is only for a selective group. It’s not! This book is written for all kinds of moms from the stay-at-home moms to the working moms, and even the single moms out there. With this book you can evaluate how you are spending your time throughout the day and help you set goals and deal with life’s many interruptions. Helping you, the Mom find balance in your everyday interactions and to start enjoying the journey you are on is the overall message of this book.
Flourish is economically priced and can fit in just about everybody's budget at just $15.00. With 16 chapters and includes several appendices full of planning forms and tools.“We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.”
~ H.G. Wells {pg.69}
- An Invitation to Flourish
- Change Your Mind to Change Your Time
- The FREEDOM Toolbox
- Where Did My Time Go?
- Aim High: Setting Goals
- What Do I Do Next? Seven Essential Planning Tools
- We Interrupt This Program
- It's Time for an Attitude Adjustment
- Oxygen Masks and Monkey Bread Days
- Training Your Children
- Making Memories
- Managing Your Home
- All of Life is Learning
- Solo Act: Flourishing as a Single Mom
- Home Business
- Moving Ahead
“Organized people don’t trust their memory – they trust their lists.” {pg.86}
Overall, I feel this book is a great read for any mom out there, regardless of whether or not your homeschool. I would recommend this book to any mother who is feeling exhausted, overloaded, or on the brink of burnout if they homeschool. The valuable information presented in this book will help every mom stop the juggling act and find the perfect balance needed in their life. Apologia has done it again with this book so be sure to check out what my fellow Crewmates thought of this book by clicking the banner below and read 99 other viewpoints.~ Eileen Roth : Organizing for Dummies

Company ~ Apologia Educational Ministries
Product ~ Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms
Price ~ $15.00
Ages ~ For Moms